While he didn’t acknowledge her offer to be friends and allies, Elissa still promised herself that she would be that for him. She didn’t want the power he was giving her, she didn’t want to hurt him or inflict fear upon him. He didn’t deserve it. As his grip on her hands loosened, she pulled them away before taking his hands and placing them at her waist. “You never did find the dagger,” she teased, before kissing him again. It was a bit of a surprise to her that he hadn’t pulled away when she kissed him. She had pictured that to be the only response possible. She knew not to get her hopes up of anything happening, they’d be interrupted soon, she was sure if it. Good things never seemed to last long on that ship, every time she started to enjoy herself and what was happening, something or someone came and ended it. Elissa draped her arms over his shoulders before leaning back against the couch, hoping he’d go with her and not pull away. She’d enjoy this moment while it lasted. Perhaps he’d try finding the dagger, though she was sure he never would find it.