[@RoboCat] The synthesis of different Majors is something that’s been happening more recently, though more as collaborative projects between multiple Polymaths than just one person being good at multiple Majors. It’s certainly possible for an individual to have studied two Majors, but either they’d be average at both, or they’ll be some sort of mega-monstrous genius. Which would make them famous, because the differing prerequisites makes excelling in multiple Majors pretty hard. Different Majors have different methods of utilizing script to interface with Formula. Egoists passively benefit from the gradual edits they make to their own body,Technologists engrave upon solid objects to alter or enhance properties, Dynamicists manipulate the movement of intangibles, and Mesmerologists scam people. They functionally cover different things, so while you can use things in sequence (technologism to enhance a bullet and then dynamicism to cause wind to propel that bullet fast), you can’t really apply both to the same thing under ordinary circumstances. Just doing anything with Formula alone would cause Abstraction though; trying to prevent Abstraction through Formulization is like trying to save fuel by burning fuel.