[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201119/7f024442076cf3d99ccf13ae4ea961a6.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Mentions: [@solokolos][/b][/center] [center]Duskwing could tell she had startled her apprentice out of his thoughts and felt a small pang of sympathy for the younger tom. She knew he tried to maintain a level of poise and confidence even if it was difficult, but she could also see the anxiety bleeding through. It was a lot of responsibility; going from having a mentor guide every step to being a warrior. Not that he would be alone of course, but she knew the spike of responsibility. Especially in leaf-bare when they needed all cats to be working at their full potential. The tip of her tail tapped gently against the ground from where it was wrapped around her paws. She couldn't say she was surprised by his response, [color=f7941d][b]"I don't know that anyone ever really is, but with experience comes confidence and more of a feeling of being ready. You've done nothing but impress me with your skill and willingness to learn and improve since you joined Willowclan. That's all any of us can ask of you."[/b][/color] A small smile curled across her face, one that she rarely showed to anyone in the clan, [color=f7941d][b]"Besides you're not alone in this clan and you never will be. Even though you'll be a warrior of Willowclan you will always be my apprentice. Anything you need I will do my best to help you."[/b][/color] She stood and stretched out her paws one by one before looking intently at Moosepaw, though her tone was somewhat teasing. [color=f7941d][b]"You should try to get some sleep before tomorrow morning. I know you'll do well, but I can't have you falling asleep on your paws during your warrior ceremony."[/b][/color] She was practically dead on her paws and wanted more than anything to sleep through the rest of the night without interruptions.[/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210224/08f79b811bb80e10415d5abb894ff421.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Mentions: [/b][/center] [center]Stormheart quickly buried the squirrel he caught under the roots of the nearest tree, he'd take everything back at once to where Sunfur and Spidernose were, and scented the air again. Once again the air was somewhat stale and the scent of prey had left. He sighed but his ears pricked when he heard the sound of chirps and fluttering wings. Hopefully that meant his clanmates had been able to successfully catch at least one of the birds. He'd go a bit farther out then loop around back in the direction of the tree. With luck the further away from camp he went the better chance there would be of some prey lurking about. Sunfur and Spidernose should both be able to catch up with him with little trouble if they decided to do so. He padded past the tree with the squirrel and kept his jaws slightly parted to pull the air into his mouth. It took a few minutes of slow plodding through the snow but he caught scent of what he was fairly certain was a mouse. He moved to keep himself downwind and hunkered down in the snow to keep himself as hidden as possible. He peered through some prickly underbrush to see where a mouse had dug itself a burrow under the roots of the tree. He positioned himself in the spot he felt would work best to pounce through the underbrush and dug his claws into the ground. They needed as much as they could get and he wasn't about to let his bulky frame stop him from getting through. A moment before he leapt forward a second snout poked its way from underneath the roots and he froze in place. He couldn't catch both of them by himself, the second was sure to flee back into its burrow the moment he jumped out. Should he go for just the one and hope the second came back out or should he wait until Spidernose and Sunfur caught up to him? But there was the chance that they could scare both of them off if they didn't know. He sat a moment in indecision before he decided to wait a moment and hope the other two caught up. If they could get both at the same time they might be able to head back to camp and he could finally sleep.[/center]