Far too easily manipulated by particular means, he knew that, he sort of let it happen though. His heart was settling but still beat faster than usual, on account of the dehydration and his stomach felt less than empty - other greater necessities were winning out, he was grateful Adam was there to disrupt them in all honesty. Joseph acknowledged Elissa’s flirtatious expression by returning a grin, “maybe” he responded to her suggestion with amusement, meeting her gaze, he remained in position whilst she moved to the couch, then sat back propping himself up on his palms, “I’d have thought you hated the gown” he laughed, she’d been quick to remove herself from it, and he gathered having lived a life predominantly at sea these past years, it would not be her customary attire. Their conversation was interrupted as Adam returned, Joseph pressed himself up to his feet and brushed off his clothes, he answered the surgeon at the door and received the items from him, he wasn’t sure if Adam meant to come in to re-examine his patient, so he made way for him to enter the room. The Captain couldn’t help himself but guzzle from the flagon the surgeon had brought to water them, as rude as that might have been, he felt as though he’d be insatiably thirsty, he otherwise presented the plate to Elissa as he did so.