"I see. I will commend you for your honesty, and uphold my end of our bargain." Nobunaga straightened, pointing the tip of her katana at the man's throat and giving it a firm thrust, and flicking it to the right. Red sprayed across the white snow. His death would be swift and with little further pain, just as promised. The petite girl flicked her blade once more, clearing it of fresh blood before slipping it back into its sheath. "The words of a man whose death is inevitable are often more honest then the words of a man who still sees a chance of survival," she said, simply, turning away from the corpse, "That being said, there is always a chance that it could be a trap, even if he remains utterly unaware of that possibility." As she spoke, Nobunaga turned to face Enli. "Is there anyone whose loyalty you can be completely certain of? Only they are fit to protect you in our absence." A barrier, then... And the Illuminator 'protecting a seal'? That sounded unlike what the Kyrinth had described, and she doubted the ancient beast was lying. That being said, it was worth investigation. Perhaps more could be gleaned of the situation. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Crimson Paladin]