“Oh I despise the dress,” she said frowning. “The only good thing about it is that I can hide more weapons on my person wearing a dress than I can wearing a shirt and trousers. That and it’s distracting.” She took the plate from him and moved to the desk so that she could separate the food onto the smaller plates the doctor had brought. She put more food on the plate meant for Joseph than she put on her own plate. Elissa reasoned that Joseph needed more food because he was the captain. She figured she could do with less even though she was still recovering from her injury. “I brought coffee too.” Adam said, passing the pot to Elissa, who took it and the cups. He looked back to Joseph as the young woman walked off to pour the coffee. “You’d best not tear those stitches, they still need a day or so to heal.” He said in a lowered tone so Elissa couldn’t hear him. “She seems to be in a better mood, but I’m sure you are to blame for that.” He raised a questioning eyebrow. “Make sure you both eat some of the fruit. It keeps away scurvy. Also, don’t drink so much water at once. It isn’t good for you, it will make you ill. And I hate tending to you when you are ill, Captain, you aren’t the most pleasant patient. Well I’ll take my leave. I wouldn’t want to interrupt more than I already have. Eat a good meal.” He instructed. Elissa poured the coffee and put a little sugar in her cup. With Joseph being the captain, Adam had brought what little sugar had been left in their stores. They’d need to restock when they reached France.