The Captain found the smaller plates and cups in particular rather novel, as he rarely had need to dine in such a way regularly on the ship, in any case, he noted Elissa had portioned him more food for which he was grateful, but he’d have to share it. Adam and his coffee though, it wasn’t a beverage Joseph had considered on the ship until the surgeon joined the crew, he wasn’t sure if he cared for it, but it worked rather remarkably to wake you up, so he tended to consume it nonetheless. The Captain had finished drinking from the flagon when Adam passed his quiet comment, “aye, I’m hospitable” he retorted with the same discretion, he raised his eyebrows for only a flicker, as he exchanged a look with the surgeon. Adam then lay out his instructions, as he always did in vain - they often went unheeded. Joseph drew his sleeve across his mouth and under his chin, seeing as he had drunk so voraciously, but he hadn’t finished it all. The Captain made an apology and placed it on the table for Elissa, he pulled round the wooden chair to the desk and gestured to her, “please sit” he expressed, before he reached for his plate. There was the usual mixture of pickled vegetables, biscuits, cheese and salted meats, he was especially pleased there was fruit, he moved the meat items to one side of the plate however and offered them to Elissa, Joseph felt he’d seen enough human dismemberment that human flesh was not unlike that of the mammals he had typically consumed, eventually the sight of it turned his stomach and unless absolutely necessary to eat it, he rather avoided it - he wouldn’t tell this reason to his guest, though.