Doc Valentine pretty much ignored Maarcuu's entrance, since he was more concerned with Neil's injury and the fact that before he'd blown the Porkeian's brains out he'd managed to get a glancing blow on his leg. Thankfully it wasn't that bad, so he could focus more on Neil's wound. He made his way over to the collapsed and unconscious man, ignoring his own wound as he did so. He looked up and noticed Jericho watching from through a door and gestured to the nurse. "All right, a firefight's no reason t' just stand there gawking, get this boy here to one of the operating tables," Valentine said, Jericho simply nodding and moving in to lift up the man and take him to one of the tables, "And get Lillianne t' help you, alright?" Jericho just nodded his head as he managed to lift the man with a grunt of effort. To be honest Valentine was a bit surprised the man could carry Neil, but he didn't mention it since there was more important things going on. Then he looked to the others in the clinic and shook his head, "I have t' say, I'm really sorry about that folks. If I'd seen another way outta that, I woulda taken it. But it seems t' me that we got a common enemy, don't we?" Zuzen simply nodded his head, "One could say that I suppose, but I'm worried about that man revealing our friend here's identity to Rectja." He punctuated that sentence by clasping the diminutive Maarcuu on the shoulder. Valentine waved that off, "Don't be worrying about that, if he wants to step outta this clinic alive I'll make sure he doesn't say a word t' anyone." "Thank you," Zuzen said, then looked down at Maarcuu, "Now, what was this about a race again?" --- Meanwhile Jericho had taken Neil to one of the beds, and had found Lillianne. "We got another bullet," he said, "Doc wants me and you to take care of the poor guy." Lillianne nodded, then looked over at Noki, "Alright, seems the fights done. So you can head back out there with your friends." And with that she and Jericho went to work on removing the bullet from the unconscious Neil, leaving Noki to head back out to the waiting room with the rest of the group.