[color=lightskyblue]𝕎 𝕚 𝕝 𝕝 𝕠 𝕨[/color] “It’s okay,” Willow replies calmly to Helen. She went unfazed towards the near-collision - like she does towards everything. She passes a glance at Evelyn Noblezada a ways from the car. The two of them had never formally met. Willow has a drawing of her in her journal, done sometime last year. It’s her, surrounded by little birds and flowers, the tagline [i]‘The world seems brighter with her around’[/i] at the bottom. Evelyn has never seen this drawing, and chances are, she never will. Willow’s not her people. She sits in silence as Helen carries on the journey. The thought crosses her mind to check her messages while she’s along for the ride, on her small, years-old keypad phone, the make and model of which completely escapes her. It’s just [i]a[/i] phone to her - not really [i]her[/i] phone, just one that’s always readily available. It’s a way of thinking no one shares with her. Two new messages. The first is from her father, Lloyd. [i]> It finally happened.[/i] She smiles at the words. And then she looks at the second message, from Dexter Quinto. [i]> Charles’ party on Sunday?[/i] Before Dexter’s sister Tara had died, Willow had drawn a picture of her on a whim. Sometime after she had gone, Willow walked up to a lone Dexter and wordlessly handed him the picture, with a smile on her face. Since then, the two have kept up contact - they weren’t very close, but Dexter never completely forgot about her. And she liked that. She smiles, and thumbs five buttons into a response. [i]> Okay![/i]