Matias's titular glare found itself forming onto his mug again, accentuating his now fire-lit eyes. In stark contrast to a few moments ago, he slammed his boot treads onto the floorboards as he hopped off the window sill. All in all, he didn't look too happy. "And why should he be putting up with this? Tell me what exactly he gets out of being there? 'Oh, he's a detective.' And? Can't he go private? When have pigs ever helped us? Ever? You said it yourself; they don't like mystics." He would have went off more if it wasn't for the shuffling next to him. Seeing Midnight stir was enough to calm him down some. Still, the sigh that followed was one fueled by frustration. "Look, all I'm saying is that he can't let himself get pushed around like that just to make our jobs slightly easier, however it does it."