[@ERode] Glad to hear I didn't muck it up ahaha, thanks for reviewing it! So to answer the questions: At this point, Ryuuko has no love whatsoever for her family and vice versa. Still, there are definitely some information that she had deliberately withheld as she also understand the prudence in not telling the whole truth. In her case, this isn't based on any notion of loyalty but instead out of her own self interest and self machinations; she wanted to be sure to have some "bullets" she kept close to herself that she can use at the right time to deal the most painful blows possible to the family. So TL;DR, she had exposed much but not all of it to Kaiser Institute. Hmm, I would say it will take her a full day to fully regenerate any lost teeth regardless of the number. As far as physical capabilities go, she is actually weaker than the standard martial-inclined Egoist. For her it's more the realization that there are conveniences to be had in having some degree of superhuman physical capabilities than an actual inclination towards it. If, say, an elephant is 4 to 6 tons in weight then the most Ryuuko can lift and toss around would be around 1 ton. As for the nation, yes, that would be Germany. Should I put that instead as her country in the sheet? I can follow Izurich's for that. Hope that cleared things up!