"You probably don't want to go down in history as the frosting thief," Emmaline agreed with a snicker before taking another forkful of her meal an popping it in her mouth. She picked up a napkin and blotted at her breasts to remove the majority of the ale. "Although I suppose in the grand scheme of things you are just as dead if you are hung for stealing the crown jewels," she added philosophically. Naturally she had already been scanning the rich and powerful of Nuln society while she ate, taking stock of their fine clothing and jewelry. The trick was to pick the right mark rather than the richest or easiest. She dismissed a gaunt looking older man and his equally dissaproving wife, while they were bedecked with jeweled rings and fine chains they were clearly of the high nobility. Lofty personages like that could afford to spend time and money hunting for thieves. Similarly a young man whose face was flushed with drink, he had the gaudy extravagance of a recently successful merchant, that sort would have plenty of guards, still too close to poverty to be comfortable. Her eyes finally came to rest on a plump man in a shockingly bright red and gold tunic, the gold chain with an impressive sapphire hung around his neck and a beautiful brunette hung decoratively on his arm, every finger wore a ring which flashed with precious stones. The woman wore a tiara that flashed with diamonds above her much more tasteful dress of cloth of gold. "Him," Emmaline said, indicating the merchant with a slight nod of head. "He has had his wealth long enough to take it for granted but not long enough to put on airs," she explained.