[h3][color=gold][centre]Silver[/centre][/color][/h3] [hider=Silver] NAME: Silver or Silvershot SPECIES: Voidhanger AGE: 23 in appearance, 85 in real time FACTION ALIGNMENT: Before being incorporated by the GES he worked for an independent owner of a Mega-Corporation. He has no ties to any governments and is disinterested in each faction's games. HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 6’2, 120kg’s (accounting for cybernetic parts) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/bbc5dbd1-c217-4cbc-9a0f-8d4d0a7efaab/d2iygu7-85036c2b-86d2-44b1-b012-9015fc296f14.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmJjNWRiZDEtYzIxNy00Y2JjLTlhMGYtOGQ0ZDBhN2VmYWFiXC9kMml5Z3U3LTg1MDM2YzJiLTg2ZDItNDRiMS1iMDEyLTkwMTVmYzI5NmYxNC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.jaAbtllm-yJILKCaoanwSZ71vsT7jMj33gz1_Uaqro4[/img] BACKGROUND PRIOR TO BEING SELECTED FOR THE MISSION: Silver was born in the Void, though where, when or to what family within the mysterious race he does not know. During a run through the edges of Pact space, his ship ran too close to a patrol for their liking. In the ensuing engagement Silver’s ship was destroyed, along with a decent portion of his natural born body. Whether it was through some series of luck, ether or natural ability, Silver clung to life and was picked up by a large time scavenging corporation. Recognising the value in even a partially intact Voidhanger, they stabilised Silver and kept him alive long enough to put him on the black market. There he was bought by parties unknown with the intention to sell him as an exotic trophy in order to seal an upcoming corporate merger. The majority shareholder of the mega-corporation was known to be an eccentric trillionaire, Nolan Grimes. Though instead of adding Silver to his xenogenic collection, Nolon saw a different kind of purpose. He had heard the rumors of the Voidhangers and was well aware of their strange connection to the Ether (a subject that fascinated him more so). As a result, Silver was imbued with cybernetics, redesigning his internal structure, parts of his arms, part of his skull and completely rebuilding the lower half of his body. Why Silver was able to retain his own mind and not be constrained in any manner is a question that the Voidhanger still asks himself even today. Regardless he was brought back better and stronger than ever. He spent the next several years training and actively engaging in corporate espionage and assassinations. Always corporate and never political, Silver (Nicknamed Silvershot), stayed out of the limelight creating an infamous name for himself. Though he has never met any Voidhangers, he has grown not to care for the galaxy's politics or wars, he simply exists for the function he was brought back to do. For the longest time Silver believed himself to be without attachment and even without feeling, allowing himself to get lost in the cold calculation and logic needed to be an assassin. This was until his contract was sold. It was an odd mission, his employer tasked him with stealing documents from the GES. What the documents contained Silver didn’t ask, he never did, but he infiltrated the black site with success. Not saying it was easy but he pulled it off without the operation going south, retrieving the documents and relaying them back to Nolan. It was only when Nolan’s deal with unknown parties went south that the GES came knocking. Though instead of vengeful reprimand, they brought a deal, access to information about certain Archaeotech projects in exchange for Silver’s contract. Nolan didn’t even blink before signing him over. And there began a new life for the assassin, though how long it would last is anyone's best guess. REASON FOR MISSION RECRUITMENT: Even before his heist at the Gnosis black site, Silver’s infamous reputation was well known within the corporate and even political world. Rumours swelled throughout the communities with some stating the man glides through the thickest of walls and others believing he can morph into existence through any shadow cast. In reality the Voidhanger has honed his ability to slip into the Ether and is now attempting to learn how to blink,. His preferred method of assassination is ship to ship, piloting a small stealth craft and pulling off otherwise impossible maneuvers to be able to reach his targets in the black of space using his natural space immunities. Though considering how this mission is shaping up, maybe the GES were still sore about the heist and that’s why he’s here. Regardless, nothing matters, not to Silver, the goals haven’t changed, only the path to get there. WEAKNESSES: Unknowingly to Silver, his biggest weakness is actually psychological. Not knowing his kind, years upon years of shutting down his emotions and a final betrayal of the only father figure he ever knew has left him rattled. Everything is starting to bubble to the surface leading to a potential explosion or collapse. This, in turn, is affecting his ethereal abilities. The rush of emotion causes him to lose focus and make mistakes, either leading him to spend too long in the sub-dimension or causing real world consequences. Another weakness is working within a team. Silver has never had to co-exist or work alongside anyone, he has no experience in this area and is not overly fond of the idea. The work he produces is like an operation or a delicate artform, others detract from this. Combat wise, Silver is not built for frontal assaults or dug in grunt warfare. His armour is light and built with stealth in mind. He can slip in and through enemy lines but leading a charge across no man’s land is basically suicide. Finally his immune system on planets is still subpar, though his cybernetic enhancements overcome the most severe repercussions, his natural born immunity deficiencies (planet side) still come into play now and then. If unfocused and untreated, they can become a real problem. SKILLS AND TRAINING: Silver has excellent knowledge in the following areas: Long range sniper Hand to hand combat Swordsmanship/daggers Throwing knives (and variations of) Deception skills/lying Natural born ethereal abilities He also has a decent knowledge in the following: Explosives Tracking Languages of the UCL Healing/repairing himself (and himself only) Cybernetics/robotics Programming Piloting small ships LOADOUT: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/91/7c/a7/917ca7dd24960e086c6ac4cca358c854.png[/img] Camouflage ability “invisibility cloak” more like translucent, so still partially visible Suit is solar powered AI scout drone (in built into the suit, can help with repairs to suit/cybernetics) Silenced High Impact Sniper Silenced pistol Small Ammo pack with 3 mags for the rifle and 4 mags for the pistol AUGMENTATIONS: Shoulder mounted darts (stun and poison) Cybernetic filter system “Hidden blade” wrists that can be removed and thrown, suit can manufacture more from scrap metal Right hand has an EMP charge, not powerful enough to take down full power armour but can fry vital circuits if placed in the correct spot, or override door panels etc. Knock out gas left hand HUD interface Powerful legs Thrusters for jumps or movement in space, cannot fly ETHEREOLOGY: Silver, although he had no training from other Voidhangers, has honed his natural abilities over a much longer time period. He is able to heal his flesh and fade out of existence in the physical plane. He can reach the full minute before needing to return. He’s also pushing himself to learn how to blink. He has learned to do it over less than a meter but struggles to move further. PERKS: Silver has the Unearthly Resilience and Traveller of Outer Realms abilities. He has also kept a hold of his defence shield, not needing to improve it in any way. [/hider]