Here is my Prince character. [hider=Kalal Hett] [centre][img][/img][/centre] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Kalal Hett[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Kalal stands at six foot tall, with a well toned build. His skin is a creamy brown in colour, with no scars or marks due to his privileged life. His eyes are a dark brown, while his black hair goes down to his shoulders. Kalal tends to wear expensive clothing, with many fancy jackets, pants, and boots. Kalal wears a turban whenever he is attending a formal function.[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]22[/indent] [b]Bio:[/b] [indent]Kalal was born in southwestern Kingdom of Djieh, the eldest son of the Hett Dynasty. Djieh was a country of many environments, with beautiful forests, vast deserts, and sprawling mountains. It had made its wealth from exporting rare spices grown on farms, and gems mined from the mountains. There had been a dark age where the country was in chaos, but the Hett family would end up taking over the nation, ruling it for the last several hundred years. Part of their rule was the fact that all of its Kings had been Wizards.[/indent] [indent]King Lazaan was no different, born with magic. While he was not a particularly powerful Wizard, Lazaan did use the fact his family had magic as a reason why they were fit to rule. He expected that fact to remain when his first son was born, naming him Kalal. Brought up in the court of the capital city, from a young age Kalal began his studies, learning history and math. Once he turned six, his father the King tried to begin his magical studies. However, it quickly became apparent that Kalal had no magical aptitude.[/indent] [indent]Bewildered by this, King Lazaan tried everything he could to awaken the magic in Kalal. But after several years of effort, Lazaan finally accepted that his son had no magic. He then decided to try siring a son with magic, but after having three more children, all girls, Lazaan gave up as he was now too old to conceive any more children.[/indent] [indent]While this was going on, Kalal became painfully aware of how much of a let down he was for having no magic. So he threw himself into his studies, wishing to become a wise and fair King. Eventually King Lazaan would accept Kalal as his heir. But the thought of his dynasty being threatened by the lack of magic weighed heavy on his head. But Lazaan would come up with a backup plan when King Harold of Astalia gave his proposal of marriage with the other kingdoms’ princes. Seeing a marriage alliance with Astalia as a way to ensure the strength of Kalal’s rule, Lazaan immediately agreed. While Kalal wished he had asked him first, he did see the point of this strategic alliance, and soon left to make the journey across the continent to reach Astalia.[/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]Kalal has OCD in relation to checking things repeatedly and counting things. He does his best to hide this as he views it as unbecoming of a future King.[/indent] [/hider]