You can call me Ace. I'm just here to scratch a roleplaying itch. Thanks for having me. I've been a roleplayers for most of my life, always getting ideas for characters, but never really getting to test them out. I started with D&D when I was ten, and have roleplayed for a long time ever since. I prefer to play games where there's an already established world, and introduce a new character with a different concept than the world has seen before. Isekai/crossovers tend to be my favorite go-tos when it comes to story. And as long as there's a consistency to the setting, I'll be happy playing in it. For hobbies, I mainly play games where I can build my own structures, reshape the landscape as I see fit, or lead empires across a world map. I fancy myself something of a strategist, and most of my RP characters reflect this. Games where I build structures and bases are something of a canvas for me, and the way I lay out my bases are my masterpieces. I look forward to gaming with you all.