[quote=@Legend] *Swings my arms in a circle, keeping a tunnel burrowed with the amaranthine itself that leaves a connection to the regular world* Are you sure this is [i]your [/i]world? [/quote] Aeron: *you find this has no effect* Absolutely. You lost the moment you let me grab you. This here? Its all amaranthine. The moment I carried you through that portal, you were coated. You just gave me the advantage I needed. *you find that the surface of your skin begins to slowly collapse in on itself* I'm not a fan of using this tactic, but you forced me to. You put up a great effort. I'm a fan of your work, truely. But you did this to yourself. I'd love to save you, to have you join us, but those who side with First are lost, already. He's brainwashed every one of you, mindless drones. At least my family can think for themselves, and have an opportunity to voice their concerns.