"Yeah, but the crown jewels would make for a much better story." He remarked, making a vague gesture with his fork. Neil had never heard a history lesson on a great figure, beyond the bullshit propaganda, that didn't emphasize the need for a legacy. It's why most people wanted kids, too. Though what legacy they wanted to leave behind other than "person with baby" was beyond Neil. "I hear that's what most unsuccessful people worry about. Other than them losing their lives." Inwardly he was slightly disappointed when she passed over the older, more esteemed couple. Neil was always up for taking the rich and powerful down a peg. He supposed the rich and the moderately powerful would have to do. At the end of the day, he wanted Emmaline's expertise. He would have fun regardless. "Gotcha, babe. And then we-HEEEEY-" His face lit up as the waiter arrived again, asking if all was in order. "Yes, the meal is lovely. I was wondering, do you have any Schwarzwälder cake left?" "Yes, we have just a few slices left." He said, pouring more lager into their mugs from the bottle they had left. With a small tool, they wiped off the froth and caught it in a cloth they brought. Neil wiggled his eyesbrows at Emmaline. A few minutes later, they were enjoying a strawberry creme cake as soft as a cloud and as rich as the establishment's clientele. The thieves were finally enjoying something they hadn't stolen, and while stealing added extra spice to a meal, Neil appreciated the fact they had someone just give it to them, and no one would chase them afterwards. They could finish it in their leisure. That was, until Emmaline's mark began tidying up and paying their bill. Neil looked at her and then guests, and then back to her with a wink.