[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-strength-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210504/e3d4ae1e99c9ded212b1844615a6d718.png[/img][/url] [color=ec008c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Haly's Circus, Gotham City [color=ec008c][b]Interaction/s:[/b][/color] The Team[/center] [hr] Aleen'a watched Daphne's very captivating performance, so captivating indeed that she couldn't help but tear up at the end where Daphne's character turned into a tree while 'Apollo' wailed his heartbreak and sadness. She was the type of person who's really into whatever they're watching and she's very much into the performance of her teammate. She even thought that the characters of Daphne and the other male actor were based on real people and that woman actually turned into a real-life tree. After they're done with their show, Aleen'a and the audience gave them a standing ovation. [color=ec008c]"Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!"[/color] Aleen'a clapped fast and hard as tears streamed down her cheeks, much to the bewilderment of a kid sitting beside her and staring at her. Everyone was in great spirits after that show. It was followed by the act of a guy called Tiny Man and a woman called the Bearded Lady, the latter being one of their prime subjects. None of them have approached her for gathering information, as far as Aleen'a knew. Perhaps she could go to the Bearded Lady after her performance tonight. [color=ec008c][i]'I am afraid I have no such luck.'[/i][/color] Aleen'a texted to her teammates. The audience laughed at the pair's performance but Aleen'a didn't have context for anything they're saying. [color=ec008c][i]'I have attempted to approach the Juggler but his personality is much too mean. He is like a foul-mouthed nut that smells horrible and is very hard to crack.'[/i][/color] She continued to read the texts her other teammates sent over their group while the pair continued on with their performance. Through the laughter of the audience, Aleen'a could faintly hear a scream. She was automatically alerted and looked at the circus tent's cloth walls. One scream after another followed with some of the audience looking concerned because of it. Eventually, the source of the outside commotion revealed itself as multiple horses burst through the tents. They had crazed looks on their faces, their mouths overflowing with frothed saliva, and their entire body was rippling with muscles. Everyone ran and screamed as the horses rampaged through everything. Chaos ensued within the circus tent while everyone tried to run away from the horses. Aleen'a opted to fly to make it easier for her to save people but she remembered they were undercover. She didn't want what happened back at the Kobra base to happen again here. Even though she hated the thought of being unable to fly, the safety of these civilians must be put first among all else. One of the crazed horses neighed like crazy as it ran straight towards the parent and child sitting beside Aleen'a. The mother hugged her daughter and they both screamed in fright but Aleen'a quickly jumped in front of them and delivered an uppercut, punching the animal at its snout and sending it flying back and landing on its back.[color=ec008c]"Go! Quickly!"[/color] She told the mother and daughter and they both ran out to safety as Aleen'a threw a bucket of discarded popcorn right at another horse's face before bumping it with her shoulder and sending it crashing onto the bleachers. [color=ec008c]"Oof!"[/color] A horse barged at her side and Aleen'a wrestled with its head. It thrashed against her and glared at her with crazed, murderous eyes. Aleen'a was frightened by the look on the animal's face but she planted her feet on the ground, growling as she used her strength to keep the horse from pushing her further. It neighed loudly and continued to thrash as Aleen'a kept her arms wrapped around its snout. Just then, she heard Zachary cast a spell that made the horses glow and float several feet off the ground. Aleen'a let go of the horse she's grappling with and watched in awe as Zach effortlessly saved everyone, but it was only for a short while and the horses fell down on the ground once more. That made the horses seemingly angrier as two of them were now running straight at Aleen'a with murderous intent. [color=ec008c]"EEEEEP!"[/color] She screamed and ran for dear life while the two horses were right on her tail. [color=ec008c]"I cannot let out my full power or else we might get exposed again! We must contain these horrible beasts to prevent them from causing more chaos!"[/color] She shouted at Zach and Kassy.