[hider=The Mahre collective] Nation Name: The Mahre Collective Government Form: Genetic high Council Demographics: [color=ed1c24]20% pure blood humans[/color]: these are the ones that are lucky enough to still be alive through the actions of the other demographics. Because of the weak bodies humans normally have their life span on the planet is usually 30 years at best. Unless they accept genetic manipulation they are unlikely to survive for long. However because they are still pure blood they perform menial tasks that aren't dangerous like farming in greenhouses or cleaning rooms. Most pure blood humans are considered a labor force with few going farther into politics. [color=green]75% Human/Shifol (name of planet) hybrids[/color]: The hybrids are the majority and within that majority are different mutations that mean mini classes among them. They are either soldiers, politicians, or explorers, some even find mercenary work if they prefer. The kinds of mutations are far and wide from defensive, to offensive, and some purely cosmetic. They adapted to the planet using the planets traits itself to augment their weaker human forms. The list of mutations available vary from different parts of the planet and what creatures occupy them. While they are wide and varied their are a few mutations that are prevalent in all districts. These being: Stoneskin, Bone blades, Enhanced vision, Poison resistance, and Climbing claws [color=fff200]5% Shifol Augury (Shifol Singers): [/color] these are the rare leaders of the planet. They gained a rare mutation with the ability to speak to the planet through the planets and its creatures. This mutation has been believed to be bestowed upon only those that have the planets interests at heart. They are essentially powerful druids that harness the power of the planet and in being able to do so are considered the leaders of the planet. While their powers are incredible on the world off world they are fairly weak and because of their connection to the planet they can never be far for long periods of time or risk death. Population: (Let's say that each colony ship has started with a population ranging anywhere from 100,000 to 1,000,000. From there, we go on an empire size scale of: 500 Million: Small --- [img]https://ctl.s6img.com/society6/img/xqvMu4p61LblAPU6MBrLJPCvIHU/w_700/metal-prints/1x1/front/~artwork/s6-original-art-uploads/society6/uploads/misc/a0956f88e3364b42ab7e8d446909df3a/~~/druid-tree-of-life-metal-prints.jpg[/img] However instead of black and white it is emerald green and gold the eye in the center of the tree is actually the planet itself and the trees are reaching out to touch the stars while the roots go into the ether, or the void. --- Planet Name and Description: Shifol Mok Larange (translates to planet of tree blades) History: When the colony had landed it had done so with high hopes. They had the chance to settle on a lush garden world. Everyone at the time thought it would be paradise. How wrong they were, the planet ended up being a hostile enviroment. From giant beasts that towered nearly as big as the shuttle itself to small insects that were poisonous and could kill with a single bite. At the time of course we tried to clear the area but the whatever was cut down simply grew again the next week. We even went as far as to do a scorched earth policy burning and exploding anything nearby to try and cause some space to grow for our own produce and farmlands. At first it seemed to work. For the first few years we were able to plant crops. However that could never last because even then the forest adapted chameleon like predators were created and the crops mutated beyond recognition to the point that they couldn't be eaten or we would be killed once ingested. The planet seemed intent on killing them off no matter what. However what happened next was recorded in our history books and sung about for the rest of time. A young girl was lost in the forest everyone believed she would be just another one lost to the damn planet. However she soon came back but not only did she come back she came back changed, her skin became the shade of an emerald and her skin became as tough as a carapace. When she was attacked by the guards the bullets seemed to simply bounce off of her. Before they could attack her with anything higher caliber or try to burn her she spoke in a voice that was both gentle yet commanding ordering them to stop. The world wont accept them as they are if they wish to live they need to see that humanity as it was is doomed. Their was a reason the world died because of them, instead they must tread a new path, one of harmony rather then domination. They knew that doing this was the only or they would lose humanity as a species even if they changed their memories and skills from earth helped them. Cybernetics were lost to time and now only geneticist are able to make a living. They imbued everyone with a piece of the world and it changed them somehow now thanks to the girl known as [color=ec008c]"the first flower"[/color] they were able to adapt and live up to this point. Culture and Society: Humanity as it was is gone, cybernetics became hated among them for it was a part of the world that helped destroy earth in the first place. They live in a more tribe like fashion as they believe in the spirits of the planet helping them if they know how to ask for it. They know of different spirits and do not worship one god instead they believe in the spirits of the land one that's help with farming, to protection, to fierceness, even for fertility. Their was a spirit to imbue the people with the powers they grant. They developed a new language that allows them to speak to the beasts and human English has been lost on them except for the geneticist's the reason for this is because the human words used to genetically modify themselves are words lost on the native tongue of the land. They do not understand the concept of changing one's form from such a level as cells within the body. They have a culture similar to that of ancient tribes of earth with folk dances and winter solstice celebrations especially the celebration of the first flower which is the day that is celebrated through the entire planet as the day that they accepted changing and becoming in harmony with the world as is rather then fight it. --- Governance and Politics: The planet is governed by the Shifol Augury as a council. Their are never more then 1000 of them at any given time. They are recognized as the voice of the planet and as a result they are the voice of the people. They work together and speak unpon matters of importance when necessary. Their is however a single open seat meant for "flower child" a person blessed by the planet much like the first flower. Their power is unmatched by any of the Augury however they are only born when the situation is dire, when the world itself cries out for a defender and protector. It is believed that if a flower child is born then it means that something horrible will come, they are both considered a good and ill omen. For if one is born it means that the world if it survives will thrive in unnatural prosperity. Technology Overview: They have completely forgotten the concept of cybernetics. The ability to make one's body that of a machine is considered unholy and destined for destruction. Any machines that they have are few and are only ones that don't harm the environment. Solar and wind power are abundant and it is a veritable green world. The one technology that has thrived is genetic manipulation. They constantly study and research the planet and themselves wondering how to make their bodies even stronger then they were before. They study themselves on a molecular level in the hopes of becoming better. They have the ability to safely adapt to the world and while they haven't met another planet they are sure that if needed they could create adaptations for themselves to survive on it like if need be gills and the ability to survive on a water world just to name an example. [color=fff200]"Adaptation over domination"[/color] is the creed of every Geneticist Military Overview: The planet is large and still many of its depths lay unexplored so their is always something to learn and something to fight. While they are able to talk to the beasts humans are still considered a pestilence to some of the beasts that call it home. The military strength of the world is comprised of the Larange Shifol which translates to blades of the world. They are the standardized military of the world and while their aren't any wars between itself they are always fighting to protect their homes and push to make new colonies even now. The standard soldier has a few mutations that are always standard issue so to speak which is stone skin making their bodies tougher to penetrate, bone armor which is as it sounds a bone like material able to form around their bodies at will to act as unnatural armor allowing them to handle shells from high caliber weapons, and bone blades these are blades formed from their armor that extends their reach and allow them to always be armed and ready for battle able to cut through standard armor with ease and pierce through heavy armor like butter. Their is also the royal guard known as the "Thorns of the flowers" they are the special elite units that are only dispatched when the need is dire. They are fewer in number then the blades but are much more powerful as a result. Not only do they have the aforementioned abilities of the standard guard they have increased speed, stronger health, and a mental connection to the planet. They are able to almost able to predict where the enemy will strike before they will. They are stronger in every sense and are dedicated to their post for their lives. They also have the advantage of gaining the mutations that allow them to go into a comatose sleep inside of a tree allowing them to pop up where they are least expected and be able to restore their strength regardless of injuries so long as they sleep long enough --- Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.) [/hider]