Time:7 PM Location: River Port-Inn by the Sea Interactions:, Rue [@Potter] Bowyn [@Helo] Equipment: [hider=Foot Soldier basic travel pack] [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b9f228ea-194f-48a8-be0f-f65f03e2c9d6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider= Medical kit] medical kit: [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a539cfdc-30a8-4054-9a10-04f71d19311b.jpg [/img] [/hider] [hider=Foot Soldier weapons] Throwing axes x2: [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/677ab232-8d47-4b15-8009-7b1522e7c0e7.jpg[/img] Mace: [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a4a7e515-9d4b-4cb2-bfe6-f24c148bb5ea.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Foot Soldier Armor] [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1e03edbe-fbe7-435a-8243-07271b086e18.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Foot Soldier Shield] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/77f5094e-7dc2-4325-9200-24679b77a725.jpg[/img] [/hider] 869 Amas. The young medic looked at Rue as she delivered her observations. What she said was true. He had withheld information on them. Perhaps that is how uneasy and frail alliances were It felt strange for him to have to be so guarded. His own race was mistrustful of other races. They were not cold or rude but few saw the genial smile of a dwarf and the back breaking friendly pats that were the common language in ale houses and drinking halls. The young soldier was used to being surrounded by dwarves that would lock shields with you and give their own life for others. There was no such thing as truly individual thinking. Only in the crafting of weapons and other things were the artistic tendencies of his people revealed. Many dwarves would not have been too wounded about withheld information. They felt that people would share when they needed. Arn had just found out that not everyone in Avalia thought this way. Unwittingly, the newly revealed prince had learned his first lesson in diplomacy. The second lesson was to put his own feelings aside or as the white haired lass said put these tensions. It was very simple if he could still not earn their trust then they would go about their separate ways. Perhaps it was the unconscious need of the young dwarf to achieve some sort of connection where he had not had any previously that made the repulsion of Bowyn so damaging. Arn had to remind himself that this mission was not about himself but the possible survival of his people. An apologetic look crossed the soldier’s face as his eyes came across those of the lovely winter fairy. Rue’s line about splitting up made him give her a slight smile before the lass looked away. [color=00aeef]”You're a medic, so you’d be on the battlefield helping in the fighting. Right? I don't see you being the kind to betray and use us."[/color] The medic silently nodded. [color=0054a6]“Yes Miss Rue. I am a medic. That was no lie.”[/color] He looked at Bowyn after his statement. [color=0054a6]“As I said, I AM simply a medic. That has been my profession for two decades. It was not until two days ago that my parentage was revealed.”[/color] He said this while looking at the winter fairy lad. There was no animosity in his eyes, only truth. [color=0054a6]“It is even hard for me sometimes to grasp that I am now royalty only because some people said so. I know nothing of being a prince. I have only ever thought of myself as a medic.”[/color] He sighed. He shrugged at Bowyn’s metion of the dangers of being a royal in the current climate. [color=0054a6]“It was easier being a medic. My sole job is to help and heal people.”[/color] He had an apologetic look when he looked at Bowyn. [color=0054a6]“It was never my intetion to place either of you in danger Bowyn. It never occurred to me that merely by travelling with me you could actually be in danger. For that I am truly sorry.”[/color] He lowered his eyes. [color=0054a6]“As you say, I only wanted companions but I would never willingly put you in danger…or betray you for that mater.”[/color] He looked at the winter fairy lad. [color=0054a6]“ I also don’t know who I would betray you to or for what purpose. I do not own you or hold any sway over you.”[/color] He shrugged watching the white haired youth pace back and forth in obvious agitation. [color=0054a6] “You are always free to do as you please. But to answer your question, no I would not betray you. You need not trust me of course as you so plainly pointed out. That could be a sound policy but I assure you that I have no plan to betray you.”[/color] He scratched his brown and reddish beard. [color=0054a6] “As a matter of fact, it has been very well established that I don’t really have a plan. I think that fact has been firmly established.”[/color] Arn could tell that there was some sort of battle going on inside the young man’s mind. He figured it was regarding the perceived affront. Never would he have imagined that it was due to Bowyn’s own self doubt and self deprecation. If the young medic knew, he would have tried to help in some way. The dwarf would not be able to help it. It was how he was. Because of this, he had unconsciously stepped between the Rue and Bowyn when the latter had addressed the former harshly. Arn lifted up a palm in the young lad’s direction. He did not tell him to calm down as that seldom worked. Instead, he wanted to act as a buffer. The young dwarf was sure that the winter lad did not mean to sound harsh. Actually, his advice was wrong, not completely. [color=0054a6]“That is some sound advice Bowyn. Miss Rue would definitely need your experience if she is to avoid harm. Please, do not chastise her because of my selfish mistake.” [/color] The young dwarf felt bad for having been the reason why such a lovely and sweet fairy like Rue had been talked to like that by a friend. He felt bad that Bowyn had been so angry at the situation and had been rude to his friend. The medic felt even worse when the fairy lad felt the need to leave the room but then again he could not blame him. His brown eyes followed the taller white haired lad leave. A long sigh escaped his lips. [color=0054a6]“Miss Rue, I am sorry. This…”[/color] He motioned with his hand to encompass the scene. [color=0054a6]“Was never my intention. I do think that your suggestion was indeed the best policy. If I recall correctly, I was allowed to procure the next meal. I shall go and pick something from the stalls near the inn. It will serve the dual purpose of procuring food and clearing the air. I am sure you both have much to talk about. When Bowyn returns that is.”[/color] He took a deep breath. [color=0054a6] “And I believe I need to figure out how to find and meet with Princess Annya.” [/color] He walked towards the door, fully intent on walking out. Not because he was a coward, though the whole situation made him feel uncomfortable, but because he wanted to give Rue some sort of privacy. His big calloused hand closed on the door’s handle. His grip tightened around it but before he opened it he would turn back to Rue. His voice was strained as he did something he would not have seen himself doing before. [color=0054a6]“Miss Rue, would you like to come with me?”[/color] The young medic waited for her response. He had faced down hordes of Orcs. Had been left for dead after a mountain gryphon had attacked a squad he was patrolling with and even recently braved the Helius journey from Ironhold to River Port but somehow waiting for the response of the pretty winter fairy scared him more than he could tell. The poor door handle creaked as his knuckles whitened from the deadly grip he was exerting on it. If Rue followed him, he would hold the door open for her walking beside her but as far as the hallway allowed. If she did not, he would probably offer some sort of excuse and sheepishly leave the room.