[quote=@Fractured] The physical and spirit worlds don't mix like that where we're from. One might subjugate the other, but that kind of relationship isn't something anyone wants, human or otherworldly. It's... one of the great taboos. [/quote] *I look up seemingly in thought before turning back to Gio* I can see why you would see it as a little strange for a divine and a mortal to walk the same life... For us, it was always understood that our realms were intertwined in someway. Limited, but intertwined. Our destinies, whether we like it or not are dependent on each other. Mortals keep the plane inhabit the plane of existence, but the very world is alive with the divine. Mana, a gift of the divines to mortals is one such thing. However, once you die, you go to the ascendant plane - the plane of the divines. *I then draw the relationship in a sort of simple way with a stick on the ground* That's why it was strange for me to see Lily with you. For us, Lily would be an anomaly, spirits ascend and get reincarnated or stay in the ascendant plane. They're the result of life and thus in death they cannot stay in our plane of existence, not without some sort of reason to stay.