[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5VblZrYjJ4d2FDQkJaRzF2YzNNLC4w/motherva.light.png[/img][/center][hr]Tags: [@RedPandaGamer][@Ozzy Cross][@Kumbaris][@Forsythe][hr] [color=steelblue]"Duly noted, Ms. Shina; and please do be careful yourself."[/color] Rudolph said as he tried his best to shake of the feeling of being watched. It was nerve wracking enough that they were this far in the woods, he didn't need to add any more stress upon himself by thinking that they were already being watched. Buuuuut...just to be safe he kept an eye out for both wild elf related and supernatural dangers that may make itself known to the group. If anything, he'd be less likely to trip upon roots or loose stone by keeping an eye on where he was going. Though it would be rather strange for a wild elf to be checking his footing on a place he would have been more familiar with than the back of his own hand.