[quote=@CaptainManbeard] Oh shit, sorry, I completely forgot you had asked that. I actually didn't know who Udonna was, so I had to do a quick search, lol. While I have watched all the openings and a few clips and episodes from the later series, I generally don't actively remember most of the names beyond the Zordon-era episodes. Mighty Morphin first came out in 1993 when I was like 11, and I watched everything PR-related religiously up until Tommy left during Turbo. Once Tommy, my favorite character, was gone, I didn't really care anymore and stopped watching. He was the only reason I kept watching Power Rangers into my teens, lol. I didn't touch anything PR-related again for many years, only getting hit with the nostalgia bug when I was in my early 30s (I'm 39 now). So, anyway, about your magic question - I am okay with him having ties to Mana-sensitive bloodlines, but for the most part, special powers should not be public knowledge until the emergence of them as Power Rangers and the monsters Bandora sends out. I propose two suggestions - Sacha either does not know of his magical heritage until the Nanosuit unlocks it, prompting specialized solo training with Zordon until they find him a proper instructor, or he already has some magical ability but is sworn to keep the existence of his kind a secret. As for your other question, since this version of a Zord is power armor that does not have the same molding properties of the Nanosuit, I'm not sure your Banshee Mode idea would qualify as one. That being said, I am still perfectly fine with you having the Banshee Mode as a power-up, perhaps an advanced version of the Siren's powerset that implements his unique magical talent. I suppose if you'd rather not have a mechanical Zord, we could say that the Black Ranger's mech got destroyed or is somehow inactive, so Sacha uses Banshee Mode to compensate. As for the mechanisms behind Zord use, I envision them as sitting in escape pod-like chambers on the ship, ready to be deployed when needed. If you'll recall, I shared a link to Iron Man summoning the Hulkbuster armor a while back, and I envision the calling of Zords looking similar to that. Zordon could have the ship cloaked orbiting the Earth and just as the Hulkbuster pod fires off from the satellite, the Zord pods fire off from the ship. Another option for you, Winds, would be to have Sacha not as a Ranger, but a fully trained sorcerer who comes to assist the team. Perhaps one of his ancestors knew Zordon and fought Bandora's army. That would give an explanation for his non-Ranger appearance and you can use Banshee Mode as a power-up all your own. And yet another alternative is to say Sacha is quite skilled in Alchemy and Transmutation, and he uses that to further alter his Nanosuit and Black Ranger Zord. If using this third option, the Zord could be used as extra matter for a body-mass transmutation that fuses the Zord with his body to enable Banshee Mode. But since it is so fundamentally different from how the other Zords work, it might be better to go with one of the earlier options suggested. Just some ideas to mull over. Sorry I left you hanging on that before, lol. While I don't know a lot about Udonna, feel free to use her in your backstory however you see fit. [/quote] Okay, awesome. I think I’ll have him as a fully trained sorcerer sworn to secrecy only to rise when the world needs defending, and he takes the guise of a high school senior. Thank you for allowing this. Maybe his master was a sworn brother to Zordon and helped in the last war but got gravely injured and eventually died; however, he left behind Sacha to help the Rangers with the best of his abilities. Does that work?