[h1][center][b][color=ec008c] [i]MIAMI REBELLION[/i][/color][/b][/center][/h1] Sena watched as the jets passed over the stadium as soon as Levi finished with the anthem in perfect timing. Luck was just something the boy had from time to time and he had delivered on the anthem as promised, not that she would ever admit to him that it was good. It was much more fun to aggravate him continually. He appeared to even dip his shoulder a little at the end instead of standing like a lightning rod. She smirked a bit, enjoying the drink and watching Karina browsing over the field, who on occasion, had some flirty feelings towards their guitarist, but nothing that ever stuck or went beyond a passing rumination. To Sena, Karina was the likability flavor of the band, like an anchor in an ocean of bubble-gum soda-pop. She could have had any man she wanted even if there was no money and no Miami Rebellion. The mayor delivered an acceptable first pitch and the whole ensemble was quickly moved off the field so the game could begin. The players trotted out on the field and Karina looked inquisitively. They had been to a few Corsair’s games and a few back in Miami, though not really ever paid that much attention. She knew there was some kind of pacing to the game depending on who hit the ball first. “Are we on offense or defense?” “Uhhh…” Sena looked at the field where the Corsairs had taken up positions and the pitcher was warming up with a few throws while the batter tested a few practice swings outside the box. “I think that’s in football?” She said with a shrug. “We always hit second.” “What do you mean?” Karina said, watching the field. “Like second base? They hit the ball from there too? I’ve never seen that. That doesn’t seem fair, for them.” “No, ‘Rina.” Sena tried to explain. “The home team always hits the ball after they get three outs… I think.” “This is confusing.” “No, it’s not.” “Well you didn’t know either.” An unfamiliar voice seemed to be talking to them and it occurred to both of the girls that many more club members and golden-ticket winners had been filing in while they were musing on the finer points of the game and they both looked back at the same time. The relation in their faces was evident, though their color choices were continually a contrast. Karina wore her customary red bow though her outfit was slightly [url=https://girlstweenfashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/7c9a15ae5545254a36b24de53b00c279.jpg]more relaxed[/url] than usual. [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FAIvPEPUYAk8dAr?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]Sena[/url], on the other hand, looked almost militaristic in comparison with her ribbon tucked inside expertly styled black hair. “Whoa, are you like a model or something?” Karina said finally. “That is a really nice outfit for baseball.” Sena grinned a bit as her sister’s words began to slip somewhat from being loosened by several drinks. However another ruckus ascended the stairway to the top level drawing the attention of everyone on the club level away from the game. “[b][i]HOLA COMPADRES![/i][/b]” Shirtless, the band bassist, Aaron, announced his arrival with their drummer, Tony, right behind. Both were accompanied by fawners tucked under both arms they had picked up along the way. Covered in a mix of tribal and contemporary tattoos over his naturally bronze skin, Aaron looked something like a cross between a professional wrestler and an Aztec warrior. Tony walked behind him with a cool swagger wearing a brand new Corsairs jersey and hat along with a glimmering chain rope around his neck that sparkled under his wide-sunglasses. A member of the club staff immediately handed Aaron an entire pitcher that he took in hand with a broad smile. “Grassy-ass senor!” He proclaimed before downing the entire contents in a flash and producing a hearty belch. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaron!” Karina called out playfully crawling up on top of her lounge chair and craning her small frame around Isabella so the larger man could see her. “Senorita!” He shouted making his way over. A second pitcher was handed off along the way while a cigar and a brown liquor over ice was handed to Tony. They made their way over as the attention of the crowd alternated between the spectacle of their arrival and the crack of the bat against the ball as a beam-like line drive was intercepted by the third baseman producing a howl of approval throughout the stadium. [@PrinceAlexus][@Eviledd1984]