[quote=@CaptainManbeard] Most of that works, except the "left behind to help the Rangers" part, since there were no Rangers after they sacrificed themselves and Zordon locked Bandora's Nanosuit away. It wasn't until the earthquake in Antarctica I mentioned that Zordon's ship was dislodged from the ice. So, the world was without Power Rangers for quite some time prior to the current team. I would advise against having Sacha be centuries old like Zordon, though - even if he is a fully trained sorcerer, he should probably still be fairly young so he can better relate to the teenage Rangers. "Fully trained" does not have to mean "experienced master," and he could still be legitimately seventeen and in high school like the others. For instance, there are teenagers who have blackbelts in Karate and are considered "fully trained" in a sense. A Jedi Knight can be considered "fully trained" even if they are still quite young. Hmmmm. I'd like to propose an idea, and see what you think: Sacha is seventeen and a senior like the others at Angel Grove High School, but he just moved to town recently. Granny Udonna, his caretaker and mentor, had been experiencing visions over the Summer, and she had a growing sense that Angel Grove would become a place of great importance in the near future. Part of her powerset included passively sending her own energy backwards through time, giving her past self fragmented glimpses of the future. These visions were never crystal-clear, with many details fleeting like a dream you had just awakened from. But this vision was a lot stronger than usual, pulling her to Angel Grove. Thus, her and Sacha relocated there and he enrolled at the local high school. She instructed him to keep an eye out for anything unusual around town, and on the first day of school, Sacha can sense a strange energy coming from Tommy, which happens to be the Nanosuit capsules sitting in his backpack. Then Sascha secretly eavesdrops on Tommy telling the others about the suits, and reports back to Udonna. She then reveals to Sacha for the first time that she is in fact many centuries old, and that these Nanosuits must mean that Zordon has re-emerged, which means it's likely Bandora is back as well. At this point, Udonna brings Sacha up to date on her time with Zordon fighting Bandora in the past, and she instructs him to do whatever he can to help the Rangers. He then approaches them at school the next day to offer his aid, they don't trust him at first, but once he mentions Udonna, Zordon vouches for him. What do you think? I feel like that is a good fusion of our ideas that will make for a great team dynamic. [/quote] I'm COMPLETELY ON BOARD WITH THAT IDEA!!!!. I appreciate that you took the time to fuse my idea with your story. Thank you for that and for allowing me to even bring that element into the story. I am so very excited for this to start. Again, I appreciate it.