Gansu's eyes flicked from Abi, to Jakunta, to Aleks and then back through them again and he frowned. "Alright, what's wrong? You're smiling at me like you're putting on a show as her alter ego, Griz is making a grim face even grimmier than normal, and D-eye is staring you like he stares at Coalition targets. So what's wrong? What happened?" He looked back and forth between the three of them, hands tapping along his thighs. "Cause I'd normally chalk this all up to post battle stress, but its been a bit too long for that to not have left your system by now." He strode past the three Sarvonians and scooped up the fallen glass, examining it. "But, this is the kind of thing you make after you've already recovered from that stress, plus the odds of you being suprised by me suddenly yelling is slim to none given that my sudden yelling is a staple of our crew, so [i]that's[/i] clearly not the reason." He put the glass with the disgusting mixture back on the counter. "From where I'm standing everything is hunky dory. We're about to go back on leave, we've pushed the Coalies back, and we successfully saved the princess! That's a medal for any other group of soldiers, but just another day on the job for us! A fairly successful day, nonethless, but a normal day on the job for the 7th." Gansu crossed his arms, making his way back over to the front of the three Sarvonians. "So, why are you three acting like we're three miles behind enemy lines, out of our MAS, with a squad of Fenrir's hunting us? Everything whould be golden and shiny for us, and you're all acting like we just found out that we've just been ordered to charge the Coalitions capital adn die in a useless suicide charge for propaganda because we pissed off the wrong royal."