The Captain grinned when Elissa said she’d trust him, [i]he’d designed her last tattoo?[/i], well then the coincidence made sense, and he figured it represented a part of each of them, and surely, they must have been close to have connected themselves in such a way. “The stars are important, I think that is a good idea” he agreed. Joseph felt a swell rise from his chest to his throat when Elissa mentioned she knew about the jumbled words, the kind you feel when something deeply personal is cast suddenly into the open air; he wasn’t sure he’d heard what he did, [i]she’d mentioned it so casually, perhaps she meant something else?[/i] He’d almost sort of froze and looked at Elissa quite unsure what to say whilst she chatted, he cleared his throat, “jumbled what do you mean jumbled?” he finally produced the words, shaking his head as he spoke almost expectedly, he’d furrowed his brow lightly and wore an anxious half-smile - he had to know what he thought he’d heard, and he had to know exactly what she meant.