[h2][color=00aeef][b]Marrie Knight[/b][/color][/h2] She was right. Marrie's bad feeling was right, and it was the correct decision to duck behind cover as well. Unfortunately, she had exposed herself too much in her attack, and was disarmed. Another of the "apes" had appeared only to recreate Sasaki Kojiro's Tsubame Gaeshi in a twisted and nightmarish form, directed straight at her. She'd be dead, if it weren't for one minor detail... She tripped. As she was struck by the whip, she was already jumping back into cover from the "bees'" super soakers, and while she dropped her knife, more importantly she was thrown well off balance. "It's... banana." she heard just before the first strike hit her in the arm, causing a deep wound but completing her rotation so that the sword's following strikes missed her vital areas. Though her shirt was torn up and her face armor was sliced straight open, she was still alive. As the warm air circled around the area, the bees riding its currents, only one thought passed through her mind. [i][b][u][color=00aeef]Oh, fuck THIS.[/color][/u][/b][/i] She went to cast her magic when... *poof*. Her Style dissipated into wind, cold enough to cause a tiny current, but nowhere near enough to do what she was hoping. At least her wounds faded away, but now she was screwed. Although... She was no longer damaged, and she was certainly not out of shape, but compared to... Wait. She glanced at Tetrad. Marrie might not make it out of here, but she'd be damned if she didn't at least try to help the other two. Well, the other [i]one[/i], since it seemed that the other Freelancer was in even more trouble than herself. So as she put her plan into action, she shouted, "Transform twice!" ducking to the longsword-wielding "ape" that was now in front of her, sending all of her strength into a single kick to its testicles, assuming and hoping that it had them. As soon as it reacted to the pain, she would grab its sword or her instrument, whichever was closer, and stab the bastard in the neck with it. After all, the only ones who should kill are those prepared to be killed. She'd given in to the inevitable, and was ready to throw away her non-fatal principles for now. [hr] [center] 19 | Female | Freelancer | Misty Steps Apex Predator | Dagger | Physical | Mirror Shine Wind-Carved Glacier | Masking Step of the Hurricane | Wind | Riding the Currents [Storm (4), Flight (6)] Damage X (6), Slow Fall (4), Blink (4), Magic Sense (6), Heal (16), Portal (8), Rain (2), Bounce (0), If Foe (0) DAMAGE: E | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: E | 0 PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: E | 0 [/center]