Hiya! Here's a princess I've written up! I hope she meets your standards! [hider=Princess Sulhana Altera] [center][h3][color=39b54a][i]"We are not the first ones to be hauled off and forced to stand before the gods to be married, sisters. While the common folk can marry for the heart, those who bear the crown upon their heads must do what is needed to ensure our people's survival."[/i][/color][/h3] [img]https://besthqwallpapers.com/Uploads/29-11-2018/72892/thumb2-aeolian-green-eyes-manga-ghostblade-artwork.jpg[/img] [i]:Name:[/i] [color=39b54a][b]Sulhana Altera[/b][/color] [i]:Age:[/i] [color=39b54a][b]19[/b][/color] [i]:Bio: [/i] [color=39b54a]Statecraft and politics were distasteful things to consider, let alone master. And, yet, when the princess Sulhana finished her studies, she had quickly understood the intricacies that bound the Kingdom of Astalia together. She learned the weight of loyalty and, more importantly, wealth when it came to ensuring the vassals' allegiances in the first place. She uncovered the bitter truth that what one did in the shadows often bore a greater result as compared to what her gracious father and departed mother achieved in the light. It was in the silencing of their dissenters and the rewarding of loyalty and obedience that built the foundation of Astalia, and it was in these tenants that Sulhana understood just how fragile the power of the royal family truly was. No male heir. No strong alliances. It was a disaster just waiting to spill over the proverbial edge. Or, at least, that was how her father was making it out to be. It was foolish though. The princess had worked hard in her service as her father's spymaster to ensure that the tainted side of politics would never touch her sisters nor tarnish the memory of her beloved mother. And, yet, in her heart, she found it difficult to accept that their own father would refuse to name any one of his daughters as the heir... Did the right of succession solely belong to the more idiotic half of the population? Did one's gender at birth determine one's capacity to lead? How many men had led countless nations to ruin, and how many women sacrificed their all to rebuild what the generations of decrepit kings shattered? For so long did Sulhana prioritize her father's deteriorating rule in the name of her mother's memory, and yet, instead of repaying his daughters by giving them the chance of ruling their land, he was more willing to let strangers from distant lands track foreign mud into the very ancestral halls that she and her sisters danced in. No. She would be queen. She would protect her own people. Astalia would be led by her own-- someone who knew their suffering and who understood their cries. Not some foreign male who just happened to be born with a silver spoon up their arse. She would ensure that her father sees her worth. Although, Sulhana decided against rushing things at the moment. Generations of male-dominated ideals had choked Astalia, and just blindly hitting at that metaphorical wall would yield little results. Instead, she would ride the coattails of her father's weakness. And, if she needed a male at her side to prevent anyone from seeing through her ambition, then, she would take that sacrifice until her vision was realized. For years, Sulhana had worked in the dark in protecting her family's light. Her hands were stained by the tears of those who suffered-- some more deserving than most-- and she would do it all over again if it meant protecting her home. Her roots as a spymaster reached deep into the underbelly of Sahas, tending to the weeds that had grown as long as the shadows she had cast to match her sisters' brilliance. But, the time for scurrying in the dark was over. It was time to reveal her skills into the light, no matter the shade she would bring as Astalia hung at a knife's edge. Fate has been cruel and order unkind, but it did not mean it had to stay that way. She would change things. For her sisters, for her mother, and for all the people threatened by the things darker than them.[/color] [i]:Other:[/i] [color=39b54a]- Current Occupation: Spymaster of the King - While lacking in battle acumen and combat tactics, Sulhana is incredibly skilled in statecraft and intrigue. Her greatest achievement is in building a spy network where she employs hundreds and even thousands of people to gather whispers to her throughout the lands. - She has developed a growing distaste of their father who she believed clung to the outdated ways of male primogeniture and male rule.[/color] [/center] [/hider]