After working hard, Tuku Llantu awarded themselves a moment of leisure. For a long time they crossed the wildlands of the world, of all four continents, hunting as they saw fit, not only animals, but also taking note of everything that could be harvested, from fruits and herbs to the wood that formed the trees. To work the leather and meat off the animals, to store all that they collected, the hunter quickly built a home for himself, a beautiful location made of a layer of stone and above it one of wooden planks, with thatched roofing and a wide rectangle shape. At its very centre the wooden flooring gave way to dirt, creating a safe zone between the fire-pit, the hearth of the home. What started as a simple structure would quickly gain all sorts of cutler, from hunting trophies, to barrels to store and preserve the meats and vegetables, to a kitchen to work said ingredients into meals, to a room where they kept their gear, to a room where they crafted their gear. Around the home not only a fence had been built, but also many monoliths marked with runes, there were not just a decoration however, as they served to make this location consecrated, focusing the god's powers and giving them stable control over the wildlands. It was a peaceful time at the homestead, quiet and personal, just as Tuku Llantu enjoyed it. And then a voice called to them. [center][h2]The tale of the rat's tail[/h2][/center] The wooden mask could not show in its expression, but the god was more than surprised. This was prayer, it was a live being calling to them, right at their doorstep. And they knew who this being was, after all, they were their parent, it was one of the six rodents he made while in the palace, a rat. All of them were supposed to have a pair, but with the death of the male rat this female rat was the lone survivor of their species. [color=9e0b0f]"You are lucky you arrived at a good time, if you were to see me without my mask, there would be great punishment."[/color] the god warned the rat. The rat nodded. "I know. Yet, oh my noble deity, I am growing old, even with all the divinity imbued upon me, and it worries me that I will not only be the first of my kind, but also its last. My partner was taken from me before we could have children, the solitude was so great that I braved the path to this world, and crossed the wilderness, to see you, to plead you for help." The deity felt a ping of guilty over this, as though they had not been involved with the death they had a certain responsibility as a creator. [color=9e0b0f]"Your request is fair, and I would not want you to meet such a sorrowful end. I will give you a task then, and in return, you will be blessed and able to continue your species even without a partner, having countless offspring for the rest of your lifetime. The god whose birth took the life of your soulmate has created a great tree from which all magic in the world emanates and return to. It is my desire to gather a branch of that tree for my personal use, but if I were ever to approach, no matter how stealthy I can be, I would never be able to do such thing without bringing their attention. It is you, noble rat, who must do it. I will give you blessings and you will do as I requested."[/color] The god then leaned forward, looking down upon the small rodent and patting her head, a surge of power filling her small body. "Be warned, this is a delicate matter between gods, you may only do as I asked, do not misuse this power for anything else, noble rodent." the deity added as they gave them also a small and colourful necklace, this was a powerful relic which would allow the rodent to make small burrows to go from one place to other over great distances. "I swear on my pride, oh noble god." the rat answered, holding her tail, bushy and beautiful. And with that, she left, entering a hole and travelling great distances at once. Burrow by burrow, making her way under the ocean, all the way to the south end of the world, where she would take to quickly climbing the tree of harmony. As she started to gnaw at the thinnest end of the continental tree, she felt its amazing, magical taste, experiencing as if the aurora itself was dancing on her mouth. The lights, the power, it was all too tempting for her little mind, and soon she found herself justifying her crimes. "Why shouldn't I also have a branch for myself?" she said. "This Mana, it was brought into the world by the sacrifice of my husband, in parts, so why should I not be owned to a bit of it? I could gnaw at my own branch for ages, use it to illuminate my den, I could swing it at animals that try to hunt me and make them catch fire or worse! Indeed! I think very well that a creature as noble and beautiful as me does deserve a branch of her own." And so, the rat wrapped her tail on not only one branch, but two, of the great tree of harmony, before quickly fleeing before the god of magic could ever notice her. Back to Orsus, the rat started to feel a bit guilty, so she travelled to an island, and took for herself the smallest of the branches, hiding it in a hole before leaving with the largest one to deliver to the god. Upon going to the homestead and placing the staff at their feet, the god was immensely pleased. [color=9e0b0f]"You did well my noble creature, this will do nicely for my purposes! However. Tell me, was this the only thing you took from that land?"[/color] "Indeed it was my sovereign, as you commanded." At this, a third voice interjected, it was the hawk, who landed in a nearby tree. "This rodent tells lie, oh noble god. I have seen it with the great eyes you blessed me with, she did not take only one, but two branches of the tree, wishing to keep one for her own purposes!" Tuku Llantu looked up at the bird of prey and hummed. [color=9e0b0f]"And tell me, hawk, great hunter of the skies, did the rat also add to the injury and took the largest branch for herself?"[/color] "No my sovereign, she showed some regret and still gave you the best and most beautiful of the branches." [color=9e0b0f]"I see you are honest, noble hawk, may it be know to all hunters that you are forever to be their trusty companions." the hunter told. "And you Rat. You are lucky you showed some regret, for that I will still give you the blessing you requested. But you are no longer to be a creature of nobility, no one will ever look at you and ever think of your great efforts to live and care for your offspring, no, you shall be a creature seen as the lowest, living off the filth of others, that great bushy tail you have great pride will fall off and you and your offspring will have naked tails as a mark of shame, and so it shall be for the future, as long as the noble hawk flies the sky of the Galbar, you will never be noble again."[/color] And so it was, that the hawk was made noble and the rat lowly. Their tails would not be bushy like that of the squirrel or other rodents, but pink, thin, and furless. The rat would swear a great revenge against the hawk, and that is why sometimes one can see rats going through great efforts to raid the nest of birds who would otherwise prey on the small rodents, perhaps in hopes one day they will be free from their curse. [hider=Summary and Vigor Spent.] [img][/img] 3 Vigor to consecrate Tuku Llantu's homestead as the core of the Wildlands. Thus also sort of spending enough vigor to justify the eternal wildlands, with its moving trees and what not, existing, and being a place of great power. 1 Vigor to bless the Rat with great power so she could steal two branches of the Tree of Harmony, and, for as long as this particular rat lives, the ability to bear many children even without a partner. 1 Vigor to create the "Pathfinder" a relic capable of giving anyone who wears it the ability to create holes to distant places, its the size of a rodent though and that cannot be changed. As of now, in control of THE Rat. 1 Vigor to curse the Rat for lying and stealing more than she was meant to steal, so that her species would be forever seen as filthy and yucky and lowly. Also giving them naked tails with little to no fur. 7 Vigor at the start. 6 Vigor spent. 1 Vigor left. [/hider]