Cole wondered if he could've said more to put the girl at ease before hand but at the moment all he could do is keep his smile. As Cole moved his hand to his side but he did notice a few of the nobles commenting how disgusting the subhuman was being but he didn't want to make King Vincent's life any harder than it needed to be so he kept quiet for he knew precious little about this country and its relationship with the animal folk. [color=f7941d]"Rivia we are not a clan but a group of friends. If you would stand with me do so and be at ease. You have no obligation to serve me even if I am one of the foretold heroes of this cataclysm. Please defer to me if you desire but don't do so only because of my status as a hero. I am still learning after all just as you are about humans I'm sure."[/color] Cole said as he watched King Vincent clap his hands loudly. [color=39b54a]"Very well then all of you are dismissed. The heroes have shown themselves to the people, so let them know that they are only needing to ask and they shall receive whatever help they desire."[/color] King Vincent calls out loudly as the crowd bows to their king and starts to disperse the herald for the king telling everyone to move to the designated dining area, or the the ballroom to enjoy the rest of the king's hospitality. Cole leads the newly formed trio to the ballroom where he has to turn down a number of suitors looking to dance with him, as he moves the group to a corner where they can have some relative peace for a brief moment so they can get more 'normal' introductions done. As Cole approaches Cole leans against a wall as he takes a deep breath letting the music do its thing even as brief as their little meeting with the king was it felt a lot longer for him with all eyes on his bloody golden longsword. When he finally feels ready to talk after a minute or so of rest he introduces himself. He didn't hear if Fer, and Rivia were talking before hand but he himself speaks up just so he doesn't make a bad first impression. [color=f7941d]"Hey I'm Cole, the Sword Hero, Rivia its nice to have you on the team. I'm glad to have you with us, and I'm glad to know that we have another member to look out after our backs. I'll have yours that's for sure."[/color] Cole says as he makes sure to add Rivia to the party officially. It was really like some weird MMO rpg...except every npc was actually sentient. [color=f7941d]"So Rivia can you tell us a little about yourself? What you can do? Sorry if the music is too long but...can't exactly immediately leave a party the king is throwing for us."[/color] Cole says tiredly as he scratches his head. [color=f7941d]"We have another member, a valkyrie of the church called Auriel. She's...not here but you'll meet her soon I'm sure."[/color]