[color=slategray]Aboard the Meeting Place [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bONCCjzNlk4]The songs of people past[/url][/i][/color][hr]A low thrumming sound echoed in the metal, followed by low throaty voices. A choir of apes of all different species sat together, holding guitar-looking instruments of a people long lost. To anyone with any spirit, the undulating voices told a story, from the past. Of a more primitive time, of history. For this was what the Supremus carried to the stars. A [i]legacy[/i], collections of stories past which were revered and emulated, unsurpassed by any in the galaxy. The high notes of the instrument carried the weight of sorrow, of loss, of people gone. The voices carried reverence, of greatness, of a history which should be remembered. It was to this anthem that the Supremus marched in step, letting their primal anthem resonate within their hearts. 1,738 flags carried by half that number of apes, simians of the different states chosen to represent just a few of those presented banners. At its head was the bannerman of the Khan, the great equine larger than all the others, its keen eye overseeing all. Holding it aloft was a large, scarred gorilla, wizened by age but seemingly unperturbed by the banner and the large barrelled gun which sat on his back. Similar sights came after him, large apes carrying two flags also bearing the weapons of their respective city states. A Reformed American with a remade Thompson gun. A Republican with a gladius at its hip. An unknown soldier of a small state, conquistadore in look, with a slung musket-looking rifle on its shoulder. The sheer variety among them could almost boggle the mind, standing five abreast in this space emptied for the parade. Armour shined brightly under artificial lighting, weapons and uniforms of humanity's past laid on display. If a sight could produce sound, it was [i]noisy[/i]. Many histories could be seen among this crowd, proudly beared by their inheritors. As the soldiers marched into square formations around the musicians, a figure in the middle of the musicians stood. A young orangutan, facing the numerous delegates and diplomats before him. A column was left empty by the soldiers so the humans coulod see him, the many bright flags held aloft surrounding the orangutan. He bowed graciously as the music continued on in a lower volume. [color=cd5c5c]"O I bid ye thanks, good progenitors, for letting us apes learn of your great civilisations. Truly, the histories we learned could not be compared to our breathing predecessors. Yet we can see that some of you have clung to those legend of old, giving them great respect that they deserve. While others have forged on, moving on to create their own path among the stars. Here, among the flags and soldiery of my peoples, you witness our own path. A mix of simian and human, carrying history while making history of our own. While I must depart to bring news of your civilisations to the Khan and the greater Khanate, we leave with good cheer that we are not alone in being descendants of Earth. To future friends, I bring gifts to the peoples I have met. Man's best friends, long lost, now brought back from the genetic legacy we contain."[/color] Several puppies would be released from amidst the musicians, playfully tumbling and rolling with each other. Each had been trained to follow the particular scent of a diplomat. Genetically made smarter than their genetic predecessors, they are still familiar to those who know of them. The majority were Golden Retrievers, golden pups of friendly disposition and neutrality. To others, more specific breeds were chosen. To the Undefeated pounced a Belgian Malinois, keen and athletic even at this age, bounding with intelligence. To the Matuvistans, a Spanish Mastiff from their great forebearers, loyal and protective, large in its youth. It was a sight to soften tired eyes, the wagging tails almost distracting some to the political message sent across. Simians could be just as scheming as their predecessors. [color=cd5c5c]"To those nations absent from today, we leave an ambassador in the form of Freeman Descartes and Priestess Joan."[/color] Temujin gestured for the others ot rise, the former a powdered chimpanzee with wig and cotton uniform, the latter a female with markings on her face and robes. [color=cd5c5c]"They will make the Meeting Place home while I bring news to the Khan, along with a detachment of guards. They will hold some of these puppies to be gifted to nations absent and hold further talks with the nations present. With this, I bid you all farewell and wish for prosperous times for you all."[/color] With this, the music dulled and lowered as the ranks of soldiery, barring a select few, left towards the Terra Supremus. Interesting discussions would be made in the times ahead.[hr][color=slategray][@Irredeemable][@Tortoise] [url= https://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/images/ZZ08E5EBFD.jpg][color=slategray]The Clergy's Guide to the Galaxy[/color][/url][/color][hr]The two diplomats had been given different jobs by the Herald. The Freeman Republican, a ReneƩ Descartes by his name, would set about organising the ambassadorial staff while she, Joan, would be set to establish further relations with nations of interest. Here, she would be messaging to the twoi nations, a task she set about completing with utmost care. Priests and Priestesses, no matter what age, had already been rendered pseudo diplomats with the amount of negotiations they partook in on New Gift. There was always a conflict somewhere between some two minor city-states, drowning in blood and bombardment. It was their duty to make sure such conflict could end peacefully but the coming news of the humans would spread. A destabilising sort of news, which needed to be pre-empted with plans and schemes. To save conflict from her home, she must learn the conflicts of others. Rumours of the White Flower Revolution had been of hot discussion among the state representatives along with the war against the Zetans. A formation of power blocs could be seen and even she saw that sides needed to be chosen. For now, the Khanate was satisfied with ongoing neutrality but one needed to see where the strong lay. Joan set to finishing her messages. One of these were much more personal than the other, unbeknownst to others in the ambassadorial staff. She needed to get to the bottom of something. [hider=To the ECU] [code]Greetings, honoured fellows of the ECU. This one greets you in the name of the Khanate. She wishes to learn about the ongoing conflict in your homeworld, with the Khan willing to give aid as a neutral party in the conflict in exchange. A "Red Cross" can be formed where beings of both sides can be treated under the protection of the Khan himself. We plead you for information and to let us take care of your wounded and the sick. We warn that all will be welcome, whether White Flower or ECU but our advanced history of studying human biology gives us medical expertise to help those who cannot help themselves. This one's church will be manning these stations and will swear neutrality to both parties. For free, this one gives advice and information. This one's people will be antsy come the news of our human progenitors presence and focus will zero in on your ongoing war. If you wish so, we can facilitate the transfer of former citizens as mercenaries to your cause however their actions do not represent the Khan nor the states from which they come from. They will come having shed their oath to state and Khan, looking for a fight for a cause they believe in. Any defectors from the ranks of these mercenaries are not representative of the Khan and no Legionnairy forces will be transferring. This one advises you that the Khan's facilitation of mercenaries would be much preferred to an unwanted mass of simians coming to aid whichever cause they fancy. This one ensures that certain steps will be taken to filter these mercenaries as much as we are able, for your nation's stability and continued prosperity. We look forward to meeting with you at a time of your convenience.[/code][/hider] [hider=To the Zetans] [code]Greetings, from the inheritors of mankind's legacy. This one wishes to learn more about the unfortunate conflict which befell your peoples. News of it still comes as hearsay to us and we wish to learn about it from the mouths of the victims. This one would like to extend an invitation to "break bread" with you admittedly strange people, as this one would like to learn more about the history of your people and how you handle your fallen spirits. This one looks forward to meeting with you.[/code][/hider]