"Escaped..." Cinder echoed, studying the features of a little girl who sat in the torso of the robot. He knew someone had to be controlling the hulk of metal, but did not expect this in the slightest. The other rebels had scattered at her command, meaning that she had some authority despite her apparent age. Considering this, the girl's intelligence, and her missing limbs, Cinder concluded that it was another project staring him down. "Who am I?" he continued, frowning at the question. He had not been sure for quite some time. He had been born with a name, but it was not what the System had labelled him. The System no longer held him, but since memory of his birth name eluded him, his designation as a project would have to do. "Project Cinder... I was called Cinder," he muttered, seeming to speak to himself more than the girl. "They called me Cinder, never expecting such a brilliant flame." Bringing his attention back around to the girl in the robot, he cocked his head slightly to one side. He felt he recognized her, on some level, more than simply having the same tormentor. There were very many projects, and a relative few escaped successfully. If she was working with the resistance, she must have been one of the even fewer who made it out and survived.