[color=FFD700][center][h1]Valeriya Zhukova[/h1][/center][/color] Truth be told, she doubted she'd ever get used to this. For an orphan girl from Siberia masquerading as a prodigy adopted by lesser nobility, the trappings of the rich and powerful were still somewhat foreign to Valeriya. Only on the inside, of course. Externally, the blonde engineer merely gave off a bored-looking stare as she followed after her tour group. Even as Valeryia did as best she could to blend in and not stand out overmuch, she still marvelled internally at the sheer opulence of the facilities. Even the dorms were better than anything she'd ever slept in, including the manor of the boyars she'd been actually inserted with both to establish her cover and to reinforce how to act in her assigned role. The idea of a 10 pm curfew was hilarious, though. And she was probably going to violate that sooner rather than later. For her mission if nothing else. Hopefully, whoever she was bunked with would both be tolerable and not ask too many questions. She could work around either or both not being the case, but why ask for hardship if one doesn't need to? ___ God, how were her fellows getting drunk off this literal piss water? Valeriya gave a dissatisfied grimace as she knocked back a glass of rose that was too light and too sweet to be dubbed alcohol. Hell, she doubted there was anything stronger here than red wine. Still, best not to get too drunk at any time here. There were appearances to maintain and secrets to keep. Nonetheless, Valeriya supposed to herself that she should begin socializing. Best to blend in first and make sure her cover was secure before working in earnest towards her assignment. Fortunately, Valeriya had taken full advantage of the dress rooms and rentals to switch into garb more appropriate for high society. Tonight, she wore a simply-designed, yet high-quality long silk dress dyed red, with exposed shoulders and arms. Slightly scandalous, but well-crafted enough and just tasteful enough that she wasn't outing herself as some sort of slattern. A quick glance around the room gave her at least one conversation starter already. She smirked slightly at the...well, she couldn't really tell what nationality he was just from a glance. Definitely from the Middle East or the southern parts of the Orient. Still, good to know someone else couldn't quite stomach the literal grape juice they had on offer tonight. Valeriya sidled up beside what she didn't know was a Mughal, letting a light, casual smirk stay on her face. [color=FFD700][b]"I see someone else here cannot stand this...fruit juice either."[/b][/color] She remarked in Chinese tinged in a moderate Russian accent. While her Latin was perfect, Valeriya's apparent command of the trade languages was...less so. She could certainly tighten up her diction and lessen her accent, but there was little need to here. Frankly, it would be more odd to see an Occidental this young speak both of the common trade languages with near-native pronounciation, even though she could. [color=FFD700][b]"Back home in Russia, this would be regarded as barely worth of being called alcohol. I take it your homeland also prefers stronger beverages?"[/b][/color] She inclined her head towards the boy slightly, her smirk softening. [color=FFD700][b]"But where are my manners? Valeriya Zhukova. A pleasure."[/b][/color] ___ Mentions: [@SgtEasy]