[center][h1][b][color=lightblue]Bakuto and Kokuwamon [s]Guardromon[/s][/color][/b][/h1][/center] Interactions: Various Within the Digi-Fog [hr] [indent]What to do? This question weighed on Bakuto's mind follow after the herald who seemed to be having a horror movie experience by the way he was yelling. Then there was Black Flamedramon, who got flung in a completely differnt direction. Bakuto scanned the directions with his phone, unable to really see anything from the fog but his phone linked up to his digivice was able to see the two digimon even though the fog it got their signals but not proper location. "Alright we got two digimon in two different locations, one seems to be a Stingmon over in that general way." Bakuto points off in one directs he deduced that it was from the same direction as the Herald the yelling from and then pointed at a different direction where flamedramon got flung to, "And over in that area is Yasyamon? Maybe? No clue really, not sure if I linked my stuff right but oh well! One if a champion digimon and the other I think it says Armored whatever that is. None of these are mega levels I think." Speaking allowed mostly to Guardromon and to those who had not sprung into action as of yet. "Alright Guardromon, lets see can you blast them both? By launching those weird rockets in those two directions?" Bakuto asks his digimon very curious about the questions answer. Guardromon, "I can fire in those directions but I can't tell you what I'll hit. It could be the enemy, friends, bystanders, or anything. I can see them and my sensors arent picking them up clearly...also there is another thing..." Tilting his head Bakuto asks, "What?" Guardromon runs his hand over his scrap he got from his fight with Dinohyumon. Then said, "I took a bit of damage..." Bakuto with a deadpan look, "Its a scratch...it doesnt look serious..." Guardromon, "This is also my first time digivolving in the real world. Also we battled those Goblimon and we walked here and I carried you here as well." Once again Bakuto question "I don't follow, what is the problem?" Guardromon sighs in a robotic way then says, "This..." Suddenly Guardomon is surrounded by light as he did when he digivolved, then suddenly the body of light gets smaller and Guardromon turns back into Kokuwamon. Then in the smaller robot voice it says, "I am out of power..." Bakuto's eyes go wide, "Oh that is certainly a problem...uh...did you happened to snag our communications device ear thing that atlas gave us before we left the car?" Kokuwamon, "Uh...I think you left it in that box for your gloves you said..." Bakuto looked now a bit annoyed at the situation and a bit concerned, "So what do we need to do to power you back up?" The simple answer from the little robot came quickly, "Food...electricity things...I don't think this is a good time to eat right now." Bakuto looked around at everyone trying to think of a solution but now it looks like him and his digimon's first mission might be over and they would have to try to support the others. Still he tried to think of ideas, "Uh does anyone have an Atlas radio? We should radio back maybe they can help? Also if anyone has any batteries or something to charge Kokuwamon back up that would be awesome!" [/indent]