[quote=@WindsOfFate] I love that idea. To summon them it requires blood and that drains the caster, but allows him to bring forth one of the three. He can bring forth all three but it will cause significant pain. Each of the dragons is only about 11 - 12 feet tall. Do you want me to put that in his character sheet? [/quote] Although my initial thought was to have three new Rangers - one for each egg - as sort of a subset within the larger Ranger team, it would be cool to have Sa'Cha use all three. Perhaps the main dragon he bonds with takes the form of like a cat-sized creature when not in combat and sits on his shoulder making wisecracks to the group, haha. If we go with the three magic Ranger idea, I may make an extra character to use one of the eggs as well. However, before putting that in your char sheet, I'll PM you in a little bit and we can hash out the details there before deciding. [quote=@Gisk] Should I still post my character here before moving to the other thread? [/quote] Hey Gisk, your character looks good! Feel free to post it in the CS section of the main thread :D. As for your question about faceclaims, it really depends. I generally do a Google Image search and then download copies, edit and resize them as necessary, and then upload them to my Imgur. I will then use image tags ( [ img ] and [ / img ] without the spaces) to embed them into my posts. Sometimes, if there is a specific actor or model I want to use, I will go to their Instagram to search for pics. My Imgur and my folders on my SSD have literally hundreds of images I've used for various RPs over the years, but I used to have a lot more on Yahoo and Photobucket back in the day (I've been RPing on message boards since 2002, lol).