"This crazy..." He began, watching her figure shrink into the night sky until he saw her drop onto the top of the manor. He couldn't see if she landed safely, but he imagined she had. She had a reputation for survival, which he could appreciate. He too often lived by the skin of his teeth. He prayed to the great raven to keep him alive, as he looped his arms around the straps and backed up. He didn't remember the run or the leap, but he would never forget the flight. His stomach lurched as he fell into the thin air, but the membranes caught the wind and what seemed like a fatal fall was reversed into a smooth glide. Galt had certainly never attempting something like this before, he had balanced enough in his life to align his weight and spread his arms to grab just the right currents. After nearly getting snagged on a flagpole, he cleared the top of the manor and dropped down. He had a worse experience in flight, but he looked to have landed a bit easier. Of course, as he landed in front of Kashvi, he made a show of his landing to show off, hoping she hadn't seen him nearly die coming in. "Nice contraption. I'm glad it's not Guild Issue, though." He joked with a smirk. "Thieves falling from the sky isn't conspicuous in most circumstances." Glancing around, there was an arch with a tinted window about twelve paces away. He motioned for Kashvi to follow him to it, creeping over beside the window. He made sure every movement was as quiet as the padding of a mouse, so he felt a bit safer taking a peek into the window. Only the barest hint of light showed through the glass, and with his good eyes he saw two figures in a bed, entwined in one another. He couldn't see who it was, or if they were asleep, but a single candle in the room was lit. This was certainly the easiest way in, but he did have his glass cutter. It was no trouble swinging down to a lower window by the creases in the stone and silently slicing his way in. "What do you think?" He mouthed to Kashvi.