Setting: -Catastrophic event causes civilization to crumble sometime in the 2020s. -Game takes place in 2121? (Working Title?) -Massive changes across Earth in climate, fauna and flora. -Earth used to be separated into the Overworld and Otherworld, the Otherworld being home to magic, the supernatural and the otherwise unexplainable. -A massive geomagnetic storm strikes the Earth on the day of the first Fusion Nuclear Reactor going live in North America. The two cause a reaction that devastates the Earth and merges the two planes. -Vampires, werewolves and all sorts of other folklore monsters become commonplace across the Earth -Magic exists although feats are minor and more utilitarian -Entire cities are left in ruin while new frontier towns are set up -Some larger areas still have electricity while others are reset back to the technological levels comparable to the late 1800s. -Thematically a post-apocalyptic western with supernatural elements (RDR meets The Witcher meets Fallout). -Game is set fifty to a hundred years after the fall. -Horses are the most efficient way to travel, international travel is reserved for the extremely wealthy. Air travel is nonexistent. -Diesel trains still operational? Climate: -Geomagnetic Storms ravage Earth on a frequent basis contributing to the collapse of the electrical grid and the technological reset. The expense required to protect infrastructure across a county, let alone a broader area makes it impractical leading to the class divide between city and rural and recreating the frontier-like landscape. -Increased geomagnetic storms contribute to more auroras in the night sky giving the night an otherworldly appearance. Economy: -Barter system is predominant, physical money is a luxury. More means of tracking and using electronic funds were lost during the 'Fall'. Plot: -Robin Hood-esque band of outlaws (maybe werewolves?) steals from the wrong person (powerful vampire?) bringing hellfire down on the same settlement they provide for. With their families and loved ones dead and/or captured (in the case of a vampire, captured for use like cattle makes sense), the gang heads for the city in a howling adventure of revenge and rescue. Monsters: -Werewolves -Wendigo -Vampires -Zombies and various Undead -Other sentients (something impish or goblin-like) -Urayuli Lanky humanoids covered in a thick shaggy fur, these peaceful creatures often tower over nature, rivalling trees in terms of size. Their glowing eyes give them away. -Nightcrawlers Pale humanoids that are recognized by smooth features, a bulbous head and long legs that make up over sixty percent of their torso. -Slide Rock Bolter