The Morgue had a moderate sway on the waves, not so much as to send items hurtling from their positions although anything spherical would be rolling gently from one side to the other. The lanterns swung with the creaking ship, and the gust and waves would be heard outside the windows. Joseph had been musing to himself regarding Elissa and how they seemed to know one another, he’d been sat back in the chair the bottle in his right hand and the ring on the necklace in the left, so deep in thought I’m fact he didn’t notice Elissa stir, at least not initially. The thud from the book also startled Joseph from his thoughts, and he sighed a deep, hasty breath as he tucked the ring away before Elissa fixed her gaze upon him - she looked a little flushed, flustered perhaps she had so rudely awakened herself and also that she had been unaware he had returned, he certainly did not intend for her to feel embarrassed, “not long” he cleared his throat, “perhaps a quarter hour”, he observed her as she approached the desk, “you can get another pair of glasses, in France, maybe” he suggested, he was keen to hear the story from Elissa, truth be told. Joseph let out a throaty noise and a breath through his nose in an expression of surprise as Elissa drew attention to his hand, she posed her questions and the Captain grinned and shook his head gently, “no just… business, don’t worry” he reassured her, relaxing back into the chair. He paused for a moment before he began again, “I spoke to Rhea, she’ll hear what you have to say. We’re likely to dock in France later tonight”, he hoped these revelations would be pleasing to her.