Collab between [@Sigma] and [@Liotrent] [b][u] Earth The Meeting Place [/u][/b] The New Haven shuttle was drawing close to the hanger bay, the Acting ambassador swallowing a lump in her throat. The nerves still leaving her a bit stiffened as the shuttle craft made landing. Despite their unorthodox means of greetings to the Meeting Place, Janna hopes that this meeting will be a career maker for her, being known as the woman woh established relations with noble men of science, science that could further bring mankind and all other peoples to a brighter future. "[i]It won't be so bad..[/i]" Janna thought to herself. The shuttle craft slowly made its way into the hangar and beggan its landing sequence. The craft itself looked to be as if it was a smaller version of the NHS Hopeful. The craft touched down and opened its doors to allow Hubert and Dick's android surrogates off. They were holographically disguised, however, any complex motions would instantly reveal their illusion. "Greetings! Lead Director Hubert Seymour at your service!" Hubert exclaimed as he made a dynamic entrance. Dick however was less enthusiastic, "Po-Political science director, Dick Wazzinski." Hubert turned to Dick and glared, "DICK! THAT WASN'T WHAT WE DISCUSSED WE'D DO!" "I already told you I'm not going to play along with that introduction!" "You are such a party pooper Dick." Dick cleared his throat and turned his attention back towards the URC representative, "Ahem, I'm so sorry for the entrance, Lead Director Seymour is excited to make first contact with other remnant colonies of Earth." Janna was left a bit stunned, first of all, she couldn’t tell if they were actual people or if they’re robots posing as people? Not really her fault considering the Zetans are thing. For a moment, her mind tried to process the robots, only for to lose focus from the sheer goofiness these two displayed, she couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh, the guards quickly following. Janna had to stop herself as she blushed from embarrassment. “[i]Oh my Gods…please strike me down...[/i]” She thought to herself, really? Laughing at your first foreign delegation? That’s gonna one for the history books, and her record. “Oh…forgive my rudeness, sirs.” She said, her head slightly bowed, quickly changing the conversation. “I’m Janna Ranford, our ambassador is unfortunately, not available, so I will be acting in his place, and to welcome you two, to the Meeting Place.” Hubert then put both hands at his hips and puffed his chest out and smiled wide as he said, "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance miss Janna!" he then turnned to Dick, "See I told you they'd love it the introduction." Dick of course just put a palm to his face and shook his head, "Yes, yes, you've made your point Lead Director Hubert. Can we please continue?" “Uh, yes, of course.” Janna said, still a little bewildered that this would be her first experience first contact, diplomacy and whatnot. “If you’ll please follow me, gentlemen.” Janna, along with her guards trailed off from the hanger bay as the tour begun. “As said before, welcome to the Meeting place. An international space station built by the efforts of Earth’s lost colonies, each module built by a colony.” She paused as they entered the Columbian sector proper. A please of elegant, yet practical design, planets and vegetation growing over brutalist surfaces, in all corners, hologram projectors would play various media and footage unique to Columbia, from catchy tunes to historic military footage, to footage of regular life and so forth. "It seems that y'all have done great for yourselves!" Hubert looked around with curiosity and amazement in his eyes. He took the time to examine each projection and attempt to learn from them. "You have such a rich history. If you don't mind, could you tell us more about your world and the technologies you've cultivated? We'd love to exchange our ideas." Dick was surprised at how quickly Hubert's demeanor changes. Dick was classmates with Hubert once, it always surprises him how idiotic Hubert may seem at times, but he can't admit that he could afford to be idiotic because of his intelligence. Dick then added onto Hubert's statement, "Actually, if you have any questions of your own, we'd gladly answer them." Janna was once again, caught off guard with this Hubert, the man sure can change his tune at will, a good advantage to confuse your political enemies for sure. “You’re our guests, I’m more than happy to share a bi about ourselves.” Janna would go on a small speech of sorts explaining the rather turbulent history of Columbia, from the rather rough frontier age and the battles with the natives to follow, from the Unification War which led to the founding of the URC, and lastly and most recently, the Yulzan War, which footage of it tuned in a timely fashion, the footage showing the Siege of Taurus, a fierce and bloody battle that last for three months as Columbians forces fought tooth and nail to reclaim the city from the Yulzan, it was also the first battle in which the Guardian Frames were deployed, used to counter the Yulzan’s various war machines. “It was a near death struggle, but we managed to overcome the odds and beat back the Yulzan after almost two decades of fighting.” Janna paused as she realized she went on a bit of a tangent, once more, resulting in blushed cheeks. “Oof, forgive me, history has always been my favorite subject. Uuh, enough about us, tell me about your world?” Dick hesitated for a bit, History was his weakpoint, he tried to recall as much as he could but was eventually saved by Hubert. "Well, there's plenty to know. The first colonists found our verdant and rich world and called it a miracle. After Earth's demise, it was fitting to call this new world New Haven. We lived in peace for a time, but we struggled with diseases for many years. This led to our own technological development going down robotics and medicinal technology. However, instability would begin to plague our nation after conquering disease. We fought with eachother in what would come to be known as the Robotics Proxy War. It was a near bloodless conflict, the real casualties started to mount when certain factions couldn't produce robotics to fight anymore. Before any more blood could be spilled, a peace treaty was negotiated and our political structure was reformed into what you see today as the New Haven Directorate." Hubert paused for a moment with a hand to his chin, thinking about whether there was anything he missed, then he turned to Janna, "... This is a very brief summary of our world's history, I could send you a file if our operating systems are compatable, if not I'll send a physical book along with any technological information you may want from us. In exchange..." Hubert pointed towards the Guardian Frames in the projections, "... Could you help us build one of those?" Hubert grinned like a child who wanted a new toy. Dick then thought to himself, [i]"And there's his idiotic personality again... The man's an enigma."[/i] Jana couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, the guards in the backround letting out small giggles, while he is a goofball, he’s entertaining to be around with. “First of all, I’d love a file on your history, It’ll be a good pass time.” She then turned facing at the holo model of the Guardian Frame. “That sadly, is beyond what I can do, but my boss, the actual Ambassador, he might be able to…arrange some meetings between Columbia and New Haven Officials.” "YOU HEAR THAT DICK! WE CAN GET GIANT KILLER ROBOTS OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!" Hubert hugged Dick's android and started hopping around. This did not translate well with the holograms so it looked like a mess. "But sir, don't we technically have that capability?" "We did in theory, but not in practice, it'd be nice to have a little helping hand in the design and construction of such a thing. Oh... And I want one for myself." Dick could only blink at the Lead Director's statement. It was practical, but also childish. "You know what- I'm not going to argue about that anymore." Hubert’s excited outburst had startled everyone present in the central hall, staff, guards and visitors all turning their eyes towards. Janna herself jumping at the sight of the android puppet, falling on her bottom, Captain Samuels quick to help her up. She fixes her dress up as turns her attention back to Hubert and Dick. “I gotta say, if the rest of New Haven is as lively as you, I see our people getting along well.” Janna says with a smile.