[h3]Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth, [/h3][i]and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck[/i] Aureia had yet to talk to the priestess, but not out of immediate disinterest. It was just that there were other equally interesting things to do or talk to at the moment, and that was figuring out the mystery behind the loss of their powers, and greeting the newly returned Moridax. “Ah… that’s unfortunate,” she commiserated. After all, everybody here was affected in one way or the other. “But… it does beg the question, is it [i]still there[/i] after all these years?” She was caught by surprise by the corpse-woman suddenly jumping over and engaging her in an impromptu dance. Giggling a bit, it was definitely still a strange experience to have been awakened and suddenly lead around in a dance by the Lord of the Underworld in the guise of a walking corpse. Strange, but amusing. “Well, Lady Moridax,” she started, a tone of amusement still in her voice, before turning steelier, “We [i]do[/i] have a ‘Holy Emperor’ and all his minions to cut down to size, so you better stock up on lots of paper. Ah, it really does seem like the world needs to be fixed now, huh?”