Hmmm... So, I was trying to think of what color to use for Shelby, and I was considering Red, but when looking for images, I found some sick shit and was like, "This would be amazing for an evil Red Ranger." Then I got the idea to say Bandora was actually a Red Ranger and former leader of the team prior to her betrayal. I also found a bunch of red-themed demons and monsters that could be her summoned or conjured beasts to fight the Rangers. Though, since Agatha's magic is purple, I probably would not use her for Bandora after all. Wanda is a little younger than what I would want for the evil sorceress, but perhaps she is a student with the group and the Red Nanosuit takes her body over with Bandora as the new host. I haven't decided on that yet, though, so we'll see. I will have finalized all that by the time the intro post is ready. As for Shelby, I am now considering making her like a purple shadow wolf type Ranger, with the ability to cling to walls, teleport, and charge objects with explosive energy, sort of like a fusion of Nightcrawler and Gambit. And she will absolutely charge any round object and then throw it forward from both hands while calling out, "Kamehamehaaaa!" or "Chidori!" XD.