[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/5YDVCxN/Nur-header-2.jpg[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmFjY2E4OC5WR2hsSUVOdmJuUnZjblJwYjI1cGMzUS4w/sinbad-the-sailor.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] The pyrotechnics guy Az watched the crazed ponies attack circus goers. He was horrified, not just because of what was happening but because he knew what caused this. How the hell did those dumb horses reach his stash? What if they ingested all of it? If there was nothing left... [color=Tomato][i]Oh fuck…[/i][/color] The situation was spiraling out of control quickly and he needed to get out of here. The supplier used the ongoing chaos to escape the scene. He needed to get something from his room and make a mad dash for the spot where he stashed his supply. Talon was observing the pyrotechnics guy from a distance, taking note of his odd behaviour. He stayed calm despite the chaos inside the tent. Evidence against the pyrotechnics guy was piling up. Earlier that night when he was making his rounds selling popcorn the Bearded Lady mentioned something about how she wasn’t the only one of them who recently stumbled upon a fair amount of money. Hers came from a recent marriage. She assured Talon the man was involved in some shady business, using his newly acquired wealth to win over the new and “somewhat beautiful” Contortionist. The former assassin followed the supplier backstage. Talon took up a spot close to the room the man entered. He attempted to catch parts of the conversation the supplier was having inside. He ignored the people telling him to get out and run and focused on the hushed voices. The other voice definitely belonged to a woman. [color=Tomato]“Shit shit shit…..we got to leave!”[/color] Az burst into the Contortionist's room only to be nearly shot with a tranquilizer dart. [color=Tomato]“For fucks sake!”[/color] He held up his hands and backed up. [color=Tomato]“Are you trying to kill me?!”[/color] [color=Palevioletred]“I’m making sure to keep myself alive”[/color] The dark haired woman said, lowering her sniper rifle. She walked up to him. The way she stared always unsettled him, like he was in the presence of some sort of predator. [color=Palevioletred]“We have to get to your stash”[/color] [u][i]Fifteen minutes later [/i][/u] [color=Tomato]"This is bad, they’re going to kill me….."[/color] Az was panicking after figuring out his entire stash was unusable. There was barely any left and none of it was good for sale. He kept spiraling, summing up all the scenarios running through his mind out loud. [color=Palevioletred]“Shut up Az”[/color] The Contortionist hissed under her breath. They were some distance away from the circus. A bundle of half eaten hay sat at their feet and broken containers littered the ground. She picked up one of them and held it upside down. The remaining liquid trickled out. [color=Palevioletred]“A dose like this is pretty much impossible to reverse”[/color] [color=Tomato]“Don’t you think I know that?!”[/color] He yelled at her, throwing his hands up into the air. He paced back and forth nervously. The woman shot him a venomous look, glancing over her shoulder. Talon hid behind a stack of hay bundles. This was the proof they needed. He got out the phone he got with Daphne at the mall and started to record the conversation between the supplier and the Contortionist. After some back and forth the pair suddenly stopped arguing. The woman narrowed her eyes at one of the stacks of hay inside the barn. She pointed at the haystack and gestured for Az to stay put. The Contortionist rounded the corner and discovered Talon, she aimed her rifle at him. [color=Palevioletred]“Who are you..?”[/color] She asked cooly. Talon held up his hands. He had to convince them he was the mute and harmless popcorn guy. He slowly got out his phone, saving the recording while also typing up a message for the woman to read. [Color=9e0b0f][i]“I saw you guys running here, I was following you to a safe place”[/i][/color] The woman raised her brows and lowered her weapon, stepping closer so she could read his text. The supplier joined them and spotted Talon. [color=Tomato]“Hey I know that guy, he’s the popcorn seller, he uhh…..he can’t talk”[/color] The Contortionist was not convinced. She closed the distance between them and pulled Talon down by his shirt. Their faces were only inches apart. [color=Palevioletred]“I think you’re lying”[/color] Her voice became much more seductive. Her arms snaked around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Talon’s shades fell to the floor and he succumbed to an incredibly powerful sensation, it rippled through his entire body. The woman’s slit pupils dilated drastically. The kiss changed from something moderately romantic into something uncanny. The Contortionist broke away from Talon, both were breathing heavily. A drop of blood trickled down her lips and she caught it with her finger. She looked at it and smiled, showing a set of small fangs. [color=Palevioletred]“Now I’ll ask again who are you?”[/color] Talon started to talk, telling the pair everything about the Team’s mission. [color=Palevioletred]“I told you I could make him talk”[/color] After she learned everything she needed to know she decided Talon wasn't much of a threat. She could make him forget everything he’d seen and give them enough time to get away.