This second time seeing the Daedric Prince Hircine was no less diminished in the pack's eyes. Even as gargantuan as Hircine appeared in his own realm, his imposing height and beastly antlered head imposed on them a sense of supplication. But they were not here for worship. They were here for battle. The stand off between Vile and Hircine was unlikely to last long. Fendros was acutely aware of his new responsibility to his pack, despite their agreement to sacrifice. He gestured to his right without taking his eyes of Vile. "Get each side," he ordered, and they instinctively split into two groups. Fendros, Janius, Kaleeth, and Ahnasha paced left around Hircine. Sabine, Do'Rhajul, Tarna, and Lorag took the path on the right. Fendros' ward flared up to provide cover for those in his group. They would need to create their own chances as a team to land the Rueful Axe on their enemy. As Sabine edged around with her own ward at the ready. She found herself more distracted by the cage. "Are you Barbas?" She hissed out of the corner of her mouth while facing Vile. "Should we not be fighting you as well?"