[@Birdboy] Haha, for a bit there, I was wondering if maybe you had simply lost interest yourself due to the lack of...well. Interest. xD But yeah, this is quite the venn diagram intersection that I can't imagine too many people slide into very well. But it's cool to find the few who do~ And yeah, I'm definitely down to help out with lore, talk about the Darkest Faerie (a game I loved to death growing up xD) and I'll definitely be more than happy to look into the homebrew races. The main part I'd be iffy on is that some races will just have to have flight abilities, though, so balancing will be difficult for them. My own class and race would probably be heavily dependent on what we've got for the specific homebrew race. But I know I honestly have a preference for classes who don't really rely entirely on spells. I'm too indecisive to be a good spellcaster, I can never pick out a good spell list. xD I know I trend toward Fighter, Paladin and Ranger a bit more, sometimes Paladin. Rogue is fun, but I always thought Rogue to be kinda...ridiculously strong, so I tend to avoid it. I presume Clerics and Paladins would be more kinda centered on getting their magical blessings from the Faeries rather than from gods?