“I want to stay with you, so much, but I’m not a pirate. I could never do what you do, I know the struggles of being a merchant too well. I have my crew to look after. If I don’t go back for them then father will fire them and they will be without a job, without income. I can’t abandon them, you know as well as anyone the loyalty of a captain to their crew.” She said, taking his hand and putting his arm around her, his hand at her waist, as she leaned her head on his chest, one arm wrapped around him. “I just want to be with you. Stay with me after noon meal for a little while, please.” She wanted to offer to take Rhea’s place next time she sailed or his place, but thought better of it. He hadn’t seemed to like her trying to bargain last time. “Or send whoever brings food away when they come.” She leaned up and kissed him softly. “I like you with a beard.” If only she could figure out a way to stay with him and take care of her crew. That would make her happy, but every scenario she thought of left her with one or the other.