[quote=@BigPapaBelial] It's Hayden that finally gets bored and mutters, "This fucking job is getting more and more complicated. Why the hell does the guy take me here and leave me? Am I meeting someone? And where the hell are the other operatives!?" [/quote] Bethan looked across, seeing the Canadian mutter out loud, the accent clear from the sound of him that he wasn't an American, at least, the thick accent she recognised from her time in Afghanistan something that had a different inflection. She learned the difference quickly between a Canuck and an American, you did naturally becuase you didn't want to start shit. The other woman appeared Slavic, definitely a Russian, almost without hesitation she could make that out, as Bethan turned and broke the ice back. "Sounds like you're in the same boat as all of us. Perhaps that's why we're here. Maybe we're those operatives." She said bluntly, looking to Sean, and then across to the Russian woman, eyeing her up as well. The Canuck looked experienced, like he'd seem some shit, and the Hi-Power and the look of him said Special Forces. The Russian, she seemd like a more unknown quantity - but someone who'd also seen her fair share, an equal perhaps to Bethan's own gaze. It was clear to tell that while Sean was the burly one of the two, Bethan had a different fire, almost the kind that said "don't fuck with me" written across her, born of frustration and sheer animosity to the situation she found herself in with someone she really wanted nothing to do with. It had clicked though, "this fucking job" was clearly, blatantly what herself and Sean had walked into, as had the Canuck. Same shit, different people. No need to reveal anything they'd gone through or been told. That would come later. Or never. It depended on how this went- you didn't play all your cards. Not all of them. "Fine then, I won't be so cryptic. Seems like they put us here with good reason, so we may as well be pally. I'm Bethan, this is Sean. Found out this shithole spits people out quick if you don't go with one of the factions, it seems like. And it sounds like you both got contracted for a job too, and we're all sitting here wondering what the fuck is going on." She started, pausing to take a cup of water from the table that they'd grabbed on their way in. Beth and Sean had managed to scrape some scratchings together, a shitty lunch but it would do to keep energy levels up and they'd certainly need it. "Funny feeling I get is you got sold the same shit we did, and here we are, trying to figure this out not because you want to work for these pricks, but because you actually have something else going on. Neither of you two look like you're here to sell your souls to the devil, let's put it that way. But it seems like we might have that in common." Bethan said, looking in particular to the Canuck, in response to his thoughts on looking for "other operatives". "Fucking hell, relax, Beth. We're not gonna have a Mexican standoff here. Who knows what the plan is, chances are, we're gonna get told where we're going, what's going on. Get us some dollars and get us righted." Sean iterated, Bethan looking across to him with the same daggers in her eyes. "Ah shut up, Sean. I'm not in the mood." Beth uttered, Sean just sick and tired, to the point he just held back, not even wanting to press her anymore, because he was mentally done, and she was just looking for any tether to take on him. "Jesus, fine."