[quote=@Guy0fV4lor] Now when it would come to the Knights of Valance, that would be the same group my holy knight would be from-- yeah? Or are there other sects? Further-- how high up would Full-On Holy Knights be? Would they have things like the well known dnd-type 'lay on hands' healing and 'smite' and the like? How much of the non-heroic Clergy and holy warriors actually have magical abilities? [/quote] Up to you on whether or not they're from the Knights of Valance. If they're from the same Order (which is its own structural can of worms to get into), then the two would be at least related. I'd flesh that out more with [@LadyAnnaLee] if you two want to write something together on that. Now, in terms of "holiness factor", there's two ways to answer this. From the perspective of fantasy anime knights, I would say that having magical training as part of their core curriculum, much like how litanies are the core of most clergymen as just part of their initiation. Their magical prowess would likewise be rather limited, but it's still prowess, nonetheless. From the perspective of any historical analysis about knights, templars, and crusades, most of the members would be glory-chasing frauds who were just looking for an easy excuse to go pillage some holy relics and maybe burn down a couple of villages. Which perspective you want to take for your character's order? Up to you.