[center][h3]Voi[/h3][/center] [hr] "Here we are, what a nice place to rest," Voi said while flying down next to a large lake in the western Giantlands. Landing gently on his feet with the humanity that he had brought with him. About four thousand in total and were arranged in spots around the lake. Still in their dormant state and had yet to be awakened, for Voi was still deciding on where his humans should live. He considered several places but ultimately chose the western Giantlands. Yes, the land is named because of the giant plants and animals that roam the northern continent. But, Voi believes that his humans can adapt and overcome the dangers of the land. So after a brief time taking the lovely landscape, Voi started to shape the clay humans, motioning with his hands, and blue energy began to form around the clay humans. Taking a moment before, the clay humans started to change. At first, it was just the changes that Homura had instilled in them from the start. Their clay turned to flesh and their flesh varied in color. Individual features started to form on each of their bodies. Each one, either male or female, and the ability to reproduce. This was when Voi added his own changes. Their skin changed to snow white or varying shades of grey. Varying shades of white hair. Increased sensitivity to death to the point they can detect souls that still linger in the mortal realm and last but not least. A gift that Voi calls the Soul Sight, the ability to see the souls of living or dead beings and other invisible entities and turn their eyes a bright blue when it is active. An innate skill that while primitive to Voi and his soul sight. This gift will suffice for now, and he decides on calling his humans the Voirans. But, before Voi awakened them from their slumber now that they were ready to go and the blue energy around them had dissipated. He speaks to all of them in their sleeping minds. The first sound they would hear would be his voice. "Hello, my creations, this is your maker Voi, and I wish to speak to you before you awaken in this world called Galbar. You are the Voirans, a kind of human just different than your other brethren in this world. Before I awaken you, I wish to depart some knowledge to aid you in this land." Voi imprints in their minds the knowledge to hunt and survive in the Giantlands before saying one last thing. "You can overcome the challenges of this land and thrive here. Just remember what I have taught you and build upon it. Just remember that I will be watching your progress and count on each to survive." With that, the Voirans started to wake up and stumble about before standing up. Looking around with curious eyes and Voi was nowhere to be seen. Unknown to them, Voi was watching their awakening from afar, invisible to the naked eye as he felt happy that the Voirans would do well in their new homeland and thinking of the other gods with do with their humans. Then came Ruina's message, that Iqelis should not be trusted and will probably try to dominate others. A warning the Voi at first did not know of what to think. But, thought back to what Homura said and war and this being the first cracks of division between the gods. Granted, Iqelis's aspect is Doom though he has yet to actually meet with the god. Still, this is troubling, and perhaps he should heed Runia's warning. Since what comes with a god of Doom except for bad things most likely. While Voi was thinking more about this, he sensed something. Something new but, he knew, would be a regular sensation eventuality. Sentient lives were departing for the afterlife. Curious to who these new deaths are, Voi departed by opening a portal to the afterlife and stepping through it. There it was easy to find the recently departed souls. A group of what looked like rodents, like the ones that were left in the Celestial Palace by Tuku Llantu. Only more humanoid and Voi wasted no time with speaking to these transparent souls and stopping the group before it could reach their destination. When Voi approached them, the Bjorks were scared by Voi's presence and huddled together in fear. Not knowing what is happening or who he is. "No, no no," Voi waved his arms in a nonthreatening manner and spoke gently. "I am not here to hurt you. You are safe, and I just wish to know how you died." Still scared but, one of them moved slightly away from the group and spoke but sounded shaken. "Bears, large bears attacked us. They came charging out of the woods towards our home, our dam. Some of us they caught that could not flee in time, and others tried to fight but, they just kept killing us, and that is all I remember." "Why would the bears attack your people? Did you aggravate these beasts?" "I do not think so," Bjork said. "We did not venture into a bear's lair or kill one. We just lived our lives and built our dam. We did not do anything to cause bears to kill us." Voi thought for a moment about what could have caused this tragedy, seeing among the group what looked like a child. A child? He thought they are too young to be here, they should be living their life, not here. Before he think further, he got his answer about what caused this. Hearing Mish-Cheechel's pledge of vengeance against a god from Galbar. A god did this? But, who and why? Who would commit this murder and command bears to kill these people. But, before he could think more, the same Bjork spoke again. "Who are you, and what is happening to us?" Voi snapped out of his train of thought and addressed the Bjork. "I am Voi, God of Souls, and you all are heading towards your afterlife. A place souls go after they have.... died. What is your name?" "Kailonk, and what awaits us in the afterlife?" "Peace, Kailonk, peace for you and the rest of your group. For you, all are heading towards a good place to rest and spend with each other, Kailonk." Kailonk slowly nodded his head, "That is good to hear, and thank you, Voi." "No need to thank me, Kailonk, just be at peace. You are safe here." Then Voi released his hold on the group, and their souls resumed their journey to the afterlife. Thinking back on what has happened with Kailonk and his people. Voi realized that perhaps he needed more eyes on Galbar, since events are occurring that require his attention. So taking a portal back to Galbar, Voi and landed in a forest clearing. Which he wasted no time making his champions, motioning with his hands with blue energy forming on them. Just a flick of the wrist, two freshly made souls stood in front of him, floating above the ground. Voi channels his power to give these souls a body of flesh. One formed into a body of a male and the other a female. Both have snow white skin and look like Voirans. Along with the abilities of a Voiran. It was when they were done that Voi gave them sentience and the ability to turn into ravens. Then waking them both up as the blue energy dissipated from his hands. Both of them sprang to life as they floated down to the ground. Both of them took a moment to look around before staying their gaze on Voi. Both knew well who Voi was and their purpose. "Welcome, my champions," Void said with glee. "I glad to see you awake, and I trust you know why I have created you." "To be your eyes and ears, my lord," the female one spoke. "Yes, you are but, you can be more given time. But, before I give you your first mission, names need to be addressed. Voi looked at both intently before speaking again. "Your name is Mair," pointing at the female, "and your name is Aeron," point at the male. "You two are my eyes and ear in this world, and your first mission is to explore and gain knowledge of the Giantlands. While I tend to a matter." "It will be done, my lord, both of them said before turning into ravens and departed. Voi watched them both as they left and was glad that at least he can know more of this world while he tends to other matters. Which he also hopes that his champions will grow into their own in time. But, now Voi has a matter to attend to and meet with a certain angry Bjork. [hider=Summary] Landing in the western Giantlands and modifying his humans to become the Voirans and gave them the knowledge of how to hunt and survive before departing. Heeding Ruina's warning about Iqelis Creating two champions to be his eyes and ears in the world, Mair, and Aeron Headed to meet with Mish-Cheechel[/hider] [hider=Vigor] Starting Vigor - 8 Spent - 1 - Modify his humans to and call them the Voirans. 1 - Giving the Voii the knowledge to hunt and survive in their new homeland. 2 - Creating two champions that act as his eyes and ears in the world. Mair and Aeron End Vigor - 4 [/hider]