[img]https://i.imgur.com/YcT42z1.png[/img] [center][i]A momentarily flicker into reality. That was all it was. Whatever this tower had an effect on her connection to this place. An interference she was unsure of its origin. As she had chosen the destination as to insert into the world, she was not quite in synced in time with the moment of the departure. Arriving at a point just before the rest of reality, the cat warrior would have never landed her assault. It was never registered in the first place as slowly as things were clicking back into order.[/i][/center] [hr] [color=PaleGreen]'Oh? Did I swing too soon? ... Well, let's try it again then!'[/color] The mysterious assailant happened to find herself not in the tunnel facing the group of three, but instead outside what was obvious some unique choice of shelter. She wouldn't know if she'd personally choose a place like this, but she knew better than to blindly walk straight into someone's home turf. No, instead there she stood. Just on the edge of her vision was the obvious signs of a large number of people taking refuge. More than just the three people, it was clear to see, and what an eventful night for them that it had to have been. So much was easy to tell, even from this distance. Instead there she stood. Waiting to make sure the the world was right before she wasted more of her time waiting for, well, time to settle in for good. Vi-vi never understood things when it got like this; but though one of the strangest, fragilest occurrences yet, it wasn't too unrecognizable for her. Satisfied and growing board of the smell of stale cheesy grease bread and the whole atmosphere in general, Vi-vi pounded away at the ground in front of her with her club of a weapon. Letting the echos of her strike send forth into every nook and cranny of the camp. [color=PaleGreen]"Knock Knock~! I hate to arrive fashionably late, but I can't tell you how long I've been stuck in traffic. I hope you don't disappoint; even one would make me quite happy~."[/color]